elana langer elana langer

Tzav. Command.

After a year filled with fear, social isolation, protest, panic, frustration, and every other emotion that comes when we face our human vulnerabilities, it is time to get FREE.

But what does freedom even mean?

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Va’Yikra. Called.

What do you do when you realize you made a mistake or have acted out of alignment?

According to the Torah Omens this is the quintessential time to tap into the forces of cosmic emancipation for personal and collective benefit

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Time to awaken the “wisdom of the heart” and open yourself to this special time for artistic expression.

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Ki Tisa. To Be Counted

Time to take accountability for the most constricted aspects of ourselves. Pay special attention to any impatience with your highest connection, notice when and how you lose your faith in any aspect of your life.

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Tizaveh. Just Do it.

This weekend’s Full Purim Moon carries a trifecta of spiritual access. Moses is on the mountain, the High Priest is at the altar, and Queen Esther is working the king. What message will you whisper in their ear, and ask them to deliver on your behalf?

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Offerings. Trumah.

According to the Torah Omens this is an excellent week to identify our preferences, and get clear on the prayer we want to call into our lives.

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The Rules. Mishpatim.

In order to sustain more than a hot flash of revelation we all must agree to a social code of conduct that helps maintain clear and fair value for all life.

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Jethro. Yitro.

Whatever your belief system, this is a good time to get curious about the origin of our triggers around lying, cheating, stealing, and killing and bring the codes that influence our thoughts into fuller awareness.

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Get Out. B’shalach

Welcome to the next phase of spiritual boot camp, designed to free an enslaved consciousness from its immersion in a toxic soup of thought forms.

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According to the Tora omens… This time of great transition may be especially painful for anyone still attached to Old Consciousness, hierarchical thinking or the parts of ourselves that resist change and have difficulty with surrender.

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