Ki Tisa. To Be Counted
According to the Torah Omens this is an auspicious time to take accountability for the most constricted aspects of ourselves.
Pay special attention to any impatience with your highest connection, notice when and how you lose your faith in any aspect of your life.
Just a few days after the Full Purim Moon, where the highest lights of awareness were brought down and channeled into this world, we face the energy of the Molten Golden Calf, a manifestation of doubt that created such utter spiritual dissonance the entire story of the Abrahamic lineage almost came to a crashing end.
This week holds the energy of the ultimate high (Tablets of Stone inscribed with the finger of the divine) and the absolute low (the worshiping of a Molten Golden Calf), along with the process of accountability, fierce grace, and loving connection Moses offers as he re-establishes the continuum of higher consciousness.
Follow Moses’s steps, take time this weekend to notice and repair any fractures in your intimate connections within or in the world. Have faith in the ability to restore any relationship, even after the most intimate terms have been violated.
*for those that want a recap of the story
Where does the Golden Calf energy of impatience and doubt appear in your life?
Torah consciousness was almost lost in a single moment as the Israelites danced around the Golden Calf exclaiming, “This is the god that brought us out of Egypt.” A violation akin to cheating on a spouse on one’s wedding day or hooking up with an ex on your honeymoon. And since it was God they were cheating on, they were immediately busted.
The experiment should have ended then and there there, and would have, had it not been for Moses. Moses teaches us a way to use accountability to get out of the dog house.
See if any of the steps he takes are useful to your own process to recover intimate relationships or a sense of divine connection.
An openly jealous GOD is ready to destroy the people for their offense and Moses……
Reminds God that you knew the nature of this people, and you did it for the consciousness continuum - not because of the merits of the people.
Reminds God of the importance of interconnected being “what will the other nations say?” and the value of ancestral commitment — meaning — there is no end to your energy, stay in relation.
Takes action to eradicate the root evil, and enlists others to join and destroy the offenders. “whoever is to God come to me”
Admits the terrible sin without any attempt to defend it.
Takes ultimate accountability by joining his fate with that of the people, if you kill them and erase them from history, erase me too.
Won’t accept the distancing of God from his people, and fights for an intimate and everlasting connection.
Climbs back up the mountain, and learns how to use language of kindness and love in his prayer. “if I have pleased you….” as well as offering the 13 attributes
Asks for even more closeness, to see divinity’s face, and accepts the way it is revealed.
Returns with a face so bright he needs to put a veil on to function.
The Breakdown
Aligning with a larger picture of responsibility
Admitting guilt clearly
Asking for forgiveness
Not allowing distance
Praising, and offering the most gentle of language.
Offering us all the steps to follow, and to trust that even the worst transgression can be raised by a single aligned individual.
Hope that helps!
Happy Sabbath. May we all lift ourselves and learn from the righteous amongst us.