Jethro. Yitro.
Do you know the origin of the moral pangs you feel throughout your day?
This week contains within it the energy of what is commonly referred to as “the 10 commandments,” making this a splendid time to examine basic assumptions about morality and the internal feelings / external expectations that govern the experience of alignment in our lives.
In other layers of awareness the third Corona lockdown has lasted a full month in Israel, Russia is facing the largest protest in Putin’s history, Myanmar is back to military rule, Canada can’t get any vaccines, and former President Trump is about to be taken to trial.
Wherever your thoughts are of this moment, whatever your belief system, this is a good time to get curious about the personal and social triggers around lying, cheating, stealing, and killing and bring the codes that influence our thoughts into a more conscious grasp.
For those that are interested in the 10 guiding principles. I recommend sensing into them for yourself.
For those that are interested in the extended Torascope, read below.
According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to allow your personal work structures to be observed. Welcome the feedback. The energy supports finding positive hierarchical systems that will ultimately preserve your energy and help you further your message.
Within the Torah narrative, Moses is visited by his father-in-law, Yitro, the Midianite priest, after whom this week’s reading is named. Yitro observes Moses patiently passing the law directly to each person and identifies the need for his son-in-law to preserve his energy. He suggests delegating authority to righteous representatives only bringing the most difficult questions to him. In essence he introduces hierarchical social governance that is adopted by Moses.
This ability to listen to an authority with greater wisdom shows both Moses’ ability to take feedback and adjust his approach.
How do you accept advice from others that may have a better perspective than you do, even if you are the 'law giver'?
Do you have enough willingness and confidence to give up your original plan and allow others a chance to participate?
This week carries with it an essential energy that only comes in twice a year. This is the deep life-change energy, a revealed code of consciousness that has changed all life forever.
Take yourself to the proverbial mountain, the elders through the ages (mostly) agree that the 600,000 root souls present at Sinai and received a direct transmission of light.
Do you feel one of those sparks within you?
Do you feel within you a special “chosen” light?
Countless years of forced and chosen intermingling mixed those soul parts across millions of people around the world. This is an excellent time to check-in with yourself and see if these revealed spiritual laws and sense if they resonate with your internal code as true.
On a personal note
The (mandatory) spiritual initiation of these principles has always been a struggle for me. I have found that once you are touched by these laws at a soul level, they hold you forever. One of the clearest reasons I am currently on this path is to better appreciate what has been encoded into me, and us all.
In order to better sense the relationship between revealed spiritual law and the real world application I read them with a 1:6 pairing (I hope you find it helpful too).
Spiritual law: There is only one Source Energy aka. God that is the absolute unification of all energy and matter. Only One.
This world law: Don’t Kill
Spiritual law: Don’t make idols, don’t make representations of Source Energy, and certainly don’t bow down to them.
This world law: Don’t Commit Adultery (cheat on your spouse).
Spiritual law: Don’t use the name of Source Energy aka God in vain
This world law: Don’t Steal
Spiritual law: Remember Shabbat and the sacred rhythm of creation.
This world law: Don’t give false testimony
Spiritual law: Respect your Parents
This world law: Don’t be jealous of what your neighbor has.
I encourage sensing into them for yourself. Either in my list below - or by going to the original text.
The goal of these revealed laws is to keep practitioners awake to a consciousness beyond one’s own understanding -- the consciousness of oneness in all. For example, ‘respect your parents’ aka. the family we are born into- is as mysterious as why our neighbor might have better house or car, everything coming back to the first principle. There is only one. These guidelines are ultimately there to keep practitioners aligned with a single source and understanding of light that connects each moment to a higher purpose.
“If” you accept this spiritual law -- “then” you will be “a kingdom of priests”. Take nothing for granted. Just as every spiritual text must paradoxically be lived out through actions in the physical world, the blessing is an obligation through all generations.
And “if” this all feels overwhelming and too much, you are in good company. After the first transmission, when Moses came down the mountain to check on the people, those 600,000 root souls were terrified. They asked Moses to get the information from Source Energy directly and pass it on to them after. And tried to assure them that the fear was good and simply there to help keep from violating spiritual law, but they were not interested. So he went back up alone.
I can personally relate to that feeling. The pressure is too much. You do it for me.
How long are you able to hold your connection?
Savor the energy this week in whatever proximity feels right.
Enjoy a week of unpacking the revealed spiritual code that influenced all of existence.
Happy everything,