The Rules. Mishpatim.


According to the Torah Omens this is an excellent time to look at the social structures that consciously and unconsciously bind us. This week’s Torah Energy urges us to ground our spiritual revelations into practical ethical form, making it a favorable time to explore the social rules we follow and the source of the wisdom that informs them. 

Epiphanies are one thing — but what happens after the flash of revelation? This week’s narrative called Misphatim, which means Rules, offers a series of concrete laws and spiritual expectations of a newly liberated people.

What rules do you live by? Literally. If something were to happen to you or your things, or you were to cause harm, with or without intention,- how should the situation be treated? (no matter who you are). There are times we sense the rightness and would know it without anyone needing to tell us. And times we can't sense anything, the light is dim, or feels like it's gone out and so we want to have something in place to guide us in those times, and help us get back to the light.

Take your time. 

This week also carries the powerful N+N Energy of unquestioned acceptance. (N’asheh v’Neshma// we will do and we will listen)  

Sense carefully into the rules you are accepting before you make a pact that is sealed with blood and written in stone.   


This week’s Torah Omens urge us to investigate our personal and ancestral commitments. How does an ethical society operate? What moral codes or rules do you accept in your life? Are they the same values of conduct that your ancestors held?

In order to sustain more than a hot flash of revelation we all must agree to a social code of conduct that helps maintain clear and fair value for all life.  Take this pre-post Corona,  soon-to-be immunized world (like it or not), slowly emerging from national lockdowns, to deeply contemplate the world we are working to reassemble. 

Whether your personal awakening comes from social uprising, or social isolation - this is an excellent time to think about grounding any ‘woke’ aspirations into fair systems of justice.

What social structures are needed to address intergenerational trauma and enslaved bodies of consciousness? Are those rules accepted and fair for all?

Try to sense into the unconscious/ ancient guidelines. Do they feel like a fair application of spiritual law in the world? Does your sense of fairness and justice come from a human or higher source?

And if they come from a higher source, what spiritual practices need to be in place to stay in a wakeful state that acknowledges that source?


Although the torah’s narrative is speaking to those that have only known actual slavery, (and so begins with rules that apply to actual slave ownership) we can certainly apply the concepts to our own enslaved consciousness bound by the social norms and ideologies around us.   

This week highlights a way to apply the light of revelation so that a people don’t slip back to a pre-revelation state of being abused or abusing others.

The rules presented this week assume a society much like our own -  economically unequal and gendered, where accidents, unfortunate circumstances and aggressions are likely to happen. And while we might more easily imagine owning a car over a bull, and a slave might better translate as an employee - a tooth is still a tooth, an eye is still an eye, an orphan is still an orphan and this is a good time to contemplate the actual human value. 

How does a freed consciousness act in the world?

Notice that a free consciousness - does not mean ‘beyond the responsibilities.’

Amongst other prohibitions, the model offered by the Torah shows intolerance for murder, human kidnapping, cursing one’s parents, and beastiality. The Torah obliges kindness to the widow, the orphan, the poor, and compassion for the stranger amongst you. It sets value for physical damages and generally works to ensure those that have been abused and enslaved do not pass on unethical behaviors.

This week also sets out laws of spiritual practice for the Source Energy that protects and guides these people. No idols. No sorcery. Follow holidays. Keep Sabbath. Be ethical.  Practice oneness. Stay blessed and protected.

Note that the system presented was so compelling to the slave mind in the desert they sang out a unified YES! and N+N energy was brought into the world. We will do and we will listen.

The people rejoiced and feasted, Moses made a blood covenant between them and Source Energy and prepared to head back up the mountain to bring down the revelation in tablets of stone.

Lots to consider.

May we emerge from this time with a unified Yes to a fair and just society that treats one another, and the mystery that holds us with respect, love, and acceptance.

with love,



Offerings. Trumah.


Jethro. Yitro.