I am not sure how many ways I can say SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY, but for better and worse, the only way to fight a spiritual war is with consciousness.
So if you love Israel, and feel dedicated to honoring and supporting the young men and women giving their lives to protect the existence of a Jewish homeland, I beg you, take some time this weekend to close your eyes, look deep within, and connect to the Source of all energy and power.
This week’s Torah Energy carries the story and formula for our mass enlightenment.
Awaken the part of your being that, in some mysterious way, connects back to one of the 600,000 root soul systems imprinted with the revelation at Sinai. Find your internal access point to the unnamable essence that created the Universe, rescued your ancestors from assured annihilation in Egypt, and brought us to a promised land — and pray, with all your might, for the embodied knowing (Da’at) needed to fill every soldier, leader, and member of our tribe, to get us out of this mess alive.
This week’s Torah Omens urge us to distinguish between the outside influence in our systems of governance first introduced to Moses by his father in law Yitro (including a system of judges to help settle disputes amongst the people) — from the divine vision for a holy collective and priestly nation - willfully bound to the divine source code of the universe introduced directly by God. A holy nation where each member has the ability and tools to self-govern, and act in perfect spiritual alignment.
DO NOT MISTAKE the structural efficiency introduced to Moses by Yitro as an end in itself. The role and value of political representatives, judges, and human leadership is only as good as their ability to keep us aligned with the singular truth that connects us beyond personal egos and individual sources of divisions.
It is no accident we contemplate both hierarchical structures and divine revelation (spiritual law) in the same week. Our systems of governance, simply a tool for learning to live fully aligned with the God given truth.
This weekend, take time to reconnect to the true power imprinted within you. Activate your access to Anochi, the Source that keeps us alive (despite all the enemies that want us dead, generation after generation), and pray with all your might that our leaders, soldiers, commanders, and entire nation fill with the divine consciousness and guidance needed to ensure victory over our enemies.
May we awaken to a time beyond the internal confusion and ego that keeps us internally divided, and all learn to radiate, each in our own way, our connection to the One True light.
As some of you know, for the past few months I have been working on a collaborative artwork called "THE KNOWER OF SECRETS." A piece inspired entirely by the power of this week’s Torah energy.
This project aims to bring together 600,000 participants to celebrate the UNITY symbolized by the Hebrew letter "ALEF", regardless of spiritual practice or political views.
The final piece will be dedicated to the IDF soldiers that are risking their lives to protect Am Yisrael, and in honor of those that have been injured and fallen .
Through this collective prayer and artistic expression, Am Yisrael will reaffirm its oneness and the shared values represented by the ALEF.(Anochi) and sow the seeds of unity that will endure long after the war's completion.
Here's how you can actively contribute to this inspiring initiative:
1. Become an ALEF Distribution Point:
Extend invitations to friends and family ready and willing to help strengthen the message of ONENESS within the Jewish community during this difficult time.
Email me directly - and I will deliver (personally in Israel// via mail outside Israel) a specially curated box containing blank customizable Alephs and detailed instructions.
I would be delighted to schedule a zoom session (or attend a gathering if in Israel) where I will personally introduce the project and engage in an Aleph activation together.
2. Personalize Your Aleph:
Participants are encouraged to take one of the Alephs and express their personal interpretation of ONENESS directly on the letter.
The ALEF can symbolize concepts such as אור (Light), אהבה (Love), אמונה (Faith), אמת (Truth), אלוקות (Godliness), or any other interpretation resonating with each participant's unique perspective.
Step-by-step instructions are provided along with the blank Alefs.
3. Return Your Completed Aleph:
Completed Alephs are to be returned to me in Jerusalem. Simply email me when you are done and I can arrange to collect the returned Alephs.
Everyone that participates is encouraged to keep a blank ALEF for yourself and actively meditate on ONENESS daily.
4. Optional Donation:
Participants are encouraged to make a voluntary donation of 1 NIS, which plays a crucial role in covering the project's costs and ensuring its success.
5. Stay Connected:
Sign up online to receive updates on the final project, culminating in a large-scale interactive installation of 600,000 Alefs in Jerusalem.
BELOW IS THE FUN FLYER/INSTRUCTIONS I MADE! I hope you will consider participating!!!!