Go free
Don’t be surprised by the range of emotions that you are likely experiencing right now, this week’s Torah energy carries it all; the freedom of slaves leaving Egypt, the panic and doubt of the people before the splitting of the Red Sea, the unified song after miraculously being saved, and desperate, bitter, sarcastic outcries when they find themselves in a desert without water, and then without food and then without water again.
In fact, during their process of liberation, the only time we don’t hear complaints from the descendants of Israel is when they are suddenly attacked by Amalek in the desert, and go into their first battle as a nation.
After generations of systemic abuse, at each challenge, no matter what wonders have been previously been revealed, the slave mind seems to suspect all authorities as being sadistic and cruel, even the God that intervened with great miracles and saved them.
And so, for everyone feeling scared, anxious, angry, or cynical about the current unfolding for the people of Israel, this is a highly favorable time to put your hands on our hearts and reassure your ancient souls that the same divine force that rescued the Israelites from Egypt has never abandoned his people.
This week it is important to find the unified focus required to win a physical war with pure evil (Amalek) also within your own thoughts, and to raise our hands in prayer to the heavens WITHOUT PAUSE in order to emerge victorious.
Try your best to find the deep inner stillness God required of the people of Israel before fighting their battle and saving them at the edge of the Red Sea, and from that place of inner stillness, call on the God that fights our wars to intervene on behalf of his beloved people.
Remember the deal:
Let’s all hold God to his own word, and do our part to hold our (inner) peace.
While it is true that the nation of Israel was saved because of their spiritual heritage, they/we are not given a free ride. The cost of the cosmic rescue operation, from assured annihilation, is an eternity of spiritual service. Like it or not.
The non-optional practice of Shabbat was first introduced to the Nation of Israel as an answer to their hunger in the desert. Along with the gift of angel food, and meat in the desert came the practice of preparing on day 6 (double portion) and resting on day 7 (no food collection).
The good news is God consciousness is actually better than human consciousness, so ultimately it’s a win/win situation — but because we are not God, and only able to perceive the world from our own perspective, we have to do our best to develop our tastebuds and sensitivities for the sweetness and goodness of God consciousness— even, and perhaps especially, during a war.
And so, this Shabbat, I invite everyone to imagine the spiritual power of eating on Shabbat. And the way our spiritual consciousness during eating can awaken God’s loving bond and willingness to save us from our enemies... and connect us in what is otherwise and ordinary practice.
This week eat with the awareness of the thousands of IDF soliders making Shabbat in Gaza, or on an army base, sending your shabbat vibes out the them. Our unity, in our practice, is what makes us whole.