When you go
When you go out (the masculine within) to conquer (your best life) just know that everything (and everyone) that you bring back must go through extensive cleansing rituals.
According to the Torah Omens this week is a favorable time to loosen your attachment to a logical understanding of the world. See yourself as a cell in a larger spiritual body (the spiritual body of Israel) where your personal actions and choices effect the health of a larger karmic flow.
What might seem like a flurry of random laws this week, 74 in total, help create the container for a people tasked individually and collectively to hold direct access to divinity, while still participating in the mundane world.
The severe consequence for certain behaviors should wake you up to the Day of Judgement (just a few weeks away). The laws that protect women, basic human rights, the dignity of the poor, the sanctity of a marriage, the sanctity of sexuality, the treatment of animals and property, and the fairness required in business, should assure you that we are tasked to embody functional kindness and goodness in the world.
And the paradoxical commandment to always remember to completely eradicate Amalek, the pure evil from your midst - should invite you to find places, people and thoughts in your life that are completely toxic and remove them completely.
Take time to adjust anything that interrupts your God given ability and practice to stay connected with the Source Energy of the Universe, and your eternal sense of purpose.
This week try giving yourself a yearly performance review.
Define some general life categories and evaluate your overall health;
Spiritual health, emotional health, physical health, financial health, and mental health.
You might break it down into further categories of friends, family, work, love, body stuff, money, spirituality, etc.
Begin by listing all your merits in each category and then identify areas of lack that might need improvement.
For example: Are you able to process angry and depressive thoughts? How are you with giving charity? How generous are you with your time? Are you able to define and maintain boundaries? Are you taking proper care of yourself? Are you able to sense a connection to God in all you do? What areas flow and what areas are blocked….
Continue the process of journaling, meditating, and praying for the ability to see clearly, improve and adjust.
Assess yourself as honestly as possible and identify the parts that need improvement.
Trust whatever comes up in the coming weeks is part of a larger whole - and that this is the best time of the year to begin to make adjustments.