When You Arrive
The spiritual energy this week is pretty black and white. Use this clarity to your advantage, and take time to assess the parts of your life that feel blessed, and the parts that feel cursed.
This week’s Torah Omens offer two possible outcomes when you arrive on your spiritually designated land (Israel); the blessings that come to those that live in active acknowledgment and surrender to God and Torah, and the curses that fall upon those that ignore the presence of God in their lives, and neglect their spiritual responsibilities to honor the source of all blessing.
The second half of the Elul moon cycle is a favorable time to check in on your own spiritual practice. From where do you draw your sense of right and wrong actions? How ethical are you in your daily interactions? How strongly do you feel God’s presence in the unfolding of your life?
Focus on creating a closer connection to divinity, on adjusting behaviors that are producing negative karmic outcomes, and on pulling down the blessings you want into your life.
(PS. For those that wonder what actions/behaviours bring on curses… try reading through this list and see if you agree)
Spiritually speaking, this moon cycle is known for the closeness of divinity.
Take time to check in on your connection to the divine, and reconnect with the divine consciousness.
The energy of the month of Elul is encapsulated by the mantra first channeled by King David when speaking about his relationship to the divine.
Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li
(I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me)
Take time to this weekend to sense into the feeling of the ultimate beloved. Understand that your true beloved wants nothing more than you to reach your soul’s full potential in this life. Your true beloved only wants you to succeed - and so, when you beloved offers you feedback or adjustments, trust these adjustments are done for the sake of your sustainable joy, happiness and sense of fulfillment.
Find a quiet space to think and do your best to still your thoughts. Allow the voice of your true beloved within to emerge.
How does your beloved speak to you?
What words of support and encouragement does your Beloved offer?
Take time to allow that unconscious stream of love in.
Spend time in stillness allowing this voice to surface, and letting any other voices fall away.
If you struggle with multiple voices — try journaling them all out and identify the one that is truly speaking from love.
Only trust the voice of true unconditional love to evaluate your past year’s actions and help you envision a shining future.
This is the most favorable time of the year to reawaken your connection to divinity, and allow the still small voice of the essence that created you to help guide and adjust your life with love.