Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to get your spiritual engines started… the new moon of Elul is upon us.
Start journaling, meditating, and envisioning the coming year. Do your best to get clear about the things that bring you joy, and the places in your life that need improvement. Feel the presence of divine energy moving close in the form of quiet inner voice, guiding you to your heart’s innermost truth. Begin to name the blessings you want to bring into this life, and formulate your prayers for yourself and this world. Walk into the New Year clear.
It feels relevant that the Elul energy this year begins within the spiritual guidelines for Judges, and political governance on the spiritually designated land. Take time this week to review your understanding of justice and righteousness, and the spiritual alignment of our leaders. Release your attachment to magic and wanting to know the future, drop into surrender to the light that connects and guides our life.
Be a witness to yourself and this world. Uproot anyone or anything that takes you away from your connection to the whole. Do your best to make peace before you attack. Remove evil completely.
Assess your ability to witness.
Take a few deep breaths and allow a memory to come to mind.
Perhaps a moment of discomfort or uncertainty, or a place you wished you had acted differently.
Begin to journal that moment.
Witness yourself from the perspective of your mind - what do you think happened?
Witness yourself from the perspective of your heart - what do you feel happened?
Witness yourself from what you believe is an objective perspective.
Notice the differences.
How reliable are you as a witness to your own life?