

To see.

Visualize yourself standing before your own life. See the parts that feels blessed, and the parts that feels cursed. 

According to the Torah Omens this is the most favorable time of the year to consciously align yourself with blessing. 

Clear outside influences, burn distractions to their core. If anyone tries to pull you away from your spiritual practice, even your own family, stonewall them out. Be ruthless. The blessed life requires absolute commitment and focus.

See yourself as a complete holy vessel. Acknowledge the desires of your animal self, and learn to satisfying your hunger within the framework of your spiritual practice.  For example if you want to eat meat, remove the blood, only eat certain animals, don’t eat the flesh of an animal with her mother’s milk. Embrace distinctions. Practice awareness through separation. 

Feel yourself a part of a cherished people with holy responsibilities. See your life fill with positive actions. Commit to giving charity, and being kind to all of life around you.

This Friday night we enter the new moon of Elul, the time to begin to pray for a new year. And so, when the divine forces are so close you can almost whisper in God’s ear, this is a good time to get clear on what you want. 


Imagine yourself standing at the edge of the Jordan about to enter the land of Israel. 

See the Land of Israel stretch out before your eyes. See its landscape and beauty. Hills, rivers and valleys. See its holy mountains and vast open spaces. And then when you are ready, map the holy land onto your own body.

See the land of Israel as a space that you can occupy inside yourself. Stand at the edge of yourself and prepare to enter the promised land and conquer the spaces of your inner world. 

Visualize it. 

Become aware of your breathing, 

slow down, 

Breathe into your heart, pelvis and toes,

look out over the land of your body,

and then, when you are ready, 

Go deep inside.

Conquer each part of your body; your toes, your ankles, your knees, your pelvis, your heart, your nose.

See the dark oasis within each part of your body, clear out any dark forces, tight muscles, blocked energies, aches or pains as if it was Avodah Zarah (idol worship) that you were banishing from your inner lands. Remove it to the core. Be rid of the hint of it in your psyche. Clear yourself completely so that only good flowing feelings remain, and you can breath inside yourself fully without interruption. 

Spiritual focus is essential during the month of Elul. Protect your clarity.

Seal the energy in around you. Maintain this state of awareness. Continue scanning and each part of your body removing the tensions and blocks if they arise. Don’t listen to lies or false prophet - even if it comes from your own family. Block yourself from distracting energy, also in through form. 

While in your holy inner lands, visualize yourself doing good actions in the world; giving charity to the poor, making sure the vulnerable are cared for, earning your blessing. Inhabit your body of land completely. Fill out any missing spaces. If you feel tension or resistance, breathe there. There are more spiritual laws in this week’s energy than any other time of the year. Be prepared for the sacrifices you will have to make at least 3 times this year.

And when you are ready, come back to your awareness of the room.

keep breathing.

When we conquer our inner territory we can properly project our sacred light on our sacred land. 




Pay Attention