The Call


New Book, new month, new energy, and for those that are called, a new system of purification.  

According to the Torah Omens this week is a favorable time to consider ‘sacrifice’ as a tool for overcoming (innocent) mistakes with God, other people, and ourselves. Very exciting news for anyone trying to stay aligned with their highest self in a consistent way.

And while we no longer are expected or able to sacrifice a goat, or a dove, or a bowl of grain to alleviate our wrong,

We can ‘sacrifice’ our pride and admit our mistakes, 

We can ‘sacrifice’ some comforts to give charity to those in need, 

We can ‘sacrifice’ our time to help others, 

We can ‘sacrifice’ our perspective to offer compassion and understanding,

We can ‘sacrifice’ external validation for the sake of doing the right thing,

We can pray.

This week is an excellent time to refine our ideas of ‘sacrifice’ and receive the gift of ‘offering’ as it was intended —- as a resource for anyone tasked to live a positive and aligned life.

*hot tip* this is also a great way to butter up the Source Energy of the Universe so that you have some extra leverage for your Purim prayer.


The following is an exercise channeled by SY Schneider.

Self-Awareness (Tshuva) Offering

In place of an animal or grain offering, make ‘an offering’ of self awareness. 

Using a paper or a journal take an inventory of your week’s emotional journey. 

Make a list of the places that you were affirmed, and the people that affirmed you.

Make a list of the places you expected affirmation and it was not forthcoming, and people you expected to give you affirmation. 

Make a list of places you were denied attention altogether, and the people that ignored you.

Then beside each list, or on a second piece of paper, write out your responses to each event listed.

How did you respond when you received your positive affirmation?

How did you respond when you expected to be affirmed but weren’t?

How did you respond when you were denied attention completely?

Bring your unconscious responses into greater awareness. Notice any places where you felt blamed or shamed, and the places where you might have blamed or shamed another person in turn. Explore possible alternative responses. Take time to apologize if and when necessary.

As you prepare to greet the sunset on Friday night, offer this exercise like a sacrifice. Make a commitment to grow.

Shabbat shalom!




(inner) Accounting