(inner) Accounting


As we move into the moon of Adar for the second time this year, prepare yourself for the emotional buoyancy that comes with this month’s powerful Purim lights. 

According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to do some deep inner accounting

Channel your inner Moses. Walk through your inner life as if you were the Tent of Meeting making the final arrangements for the presence of God to descend.

 What spiritual gifts have you accumulated this year?

 What more would you like to have? Begin to call in your Purim prayer now. 

And if you aren’t sure what you are asking for, the new moon on Wednesday and Thursday night is a great time to invite cosmic help refining your life’s purpose and mission. 

This weekend spirit fills our inner temples. Be ready to receive.

*additional note* for those of us worried about war in the Ukraine, starvation in Yemen, oppression in Afghanistan, inflation, the overheating planet, the continued pandemic, or suffering in general—— Try to create prayers for your own life that extend joy, love, laughter and light to the entire planet. We are, after all, part of a single, interconnected fabric.


This week is a time of completion. The completion of the first month of Adar. The completion of the book of Exodus. The (almost) completion of winter. And according to the Torah Omens, the completion of the Tent of Meeting.

The completion of the Tent of Meeting marks the end of the first major cycle of cleansing and forgiveness.

As you approach this shabbat - Take some time to notice cycles of completion in your own life.

Where have you gone through a cleansing and forgiveness process. Is it done?

On Friday afternoon as you prepare yourself to receive the shabbat lights to fill your home - create a perfect place in a corner or a quiet room and imagine the incoming light to fill your space (or the part of your soul you have been working on).

Allow yourself to experience a moment of complete presence amongst you.

Collective Prayer

In light of the current instability of the world, I invite everyone to leave a prayer, hope, wish or positive thought in the comments below (or email me directly).

I will include all of our prayers, hopes, intentions and wishes in a BINDING LIGHT prayer chain and bring them to The Still Small Voice Purim Prayer Party on Mount Zion.

If you would like to join this party in person or via zoom please sign up here.

May we live to know and trust the positive influence our thoughts and prayers have on our own lives and all of humanity.

Shabbat shalom and Happy Adar II.



The Call

