

We are in our final days of Elul. 

Get ready to Stand and approach the bench. We are in the thickest energy of the year, when the world is recreating itself and we have a chance for personal and collective renewal.

Use the force of this week’s Torah Omens to pierce your heart open. Sense into the call heard by our ancestors, and receive the bond of the divinity directly for yourself. Find the access points revealed by Moses that don’t require a messenger or a prophet. The door to enlightenment is very very very close to you.

This Shabbat is a favorable time to sit with both the blessings and the curses in your life one last time, and actively CHOOSE LIFE; (the spiritual dimension opened by cleaving to the eternal in every moment and practicing revealed spiritual law).

And if you can’t make that choice for yourself, pray to find it. 

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life,

May we all merit the opportunity to receive what Life really means for ourselves. 


This weekend, find a quiet place in the woods, or a local garden, a place to sit that is both comfortable, beautiful, deeply familiar, and outside of your home.

Find a space to sit. 

Settle into the space. 

Feel at ease in your body.

Keep breathing. 

Close your eyes and imagine a beam of light shining directly in front of you.

Imagine this Light beam to be a link to divinity extending itself directly to you.

When you feel ready, imagine yourself stepping into it, and allowing it to fill you completely. 

Breathe the light into each cell of your body. Invite it to transform and heal every aspect of your self.

Take it in.

Allow it to awaken you from within. 

Commit to carry that light into the coming year with happiness, health, and sweetness.

Choose Life.


Time to Go

