Wake up.
The blessing is real…. and so is the curse.
This week is an excellent time to acknowledge your ability to positively or negatively influence fate through your personal spiritual practice. The Torah Omens invite us into conscious awareness that the Source of our trauma and intergenerational suffering comes from the exact same place as our life’s blessings.
When you arrive (and come into awareness) the inner mechanisms of karma are exposed for all to see, sense, feel and remember.
As the Elul moon diminishes, and we ready ourselves to approach the King of the World, make the choice to surrender to a life of endless blessing or prepare for the fate of spiritual rejection.
The choice is yours.
There is a prerequisite of awe needed to benefit from the powerful energy of the coming moon. The moon of creation, the world’s first moon.
The more you get into the thought, the more terrified or overwhelmed you can become — not from negative consequences, rather from the intensity of energy that builds around you as you approach your Source.
In order to pull down a life of blessing and endless abundance for yourself, you must (be able to) shake off the weight of material reality. The Torah instructs a yearly practice of deep inner connection, self review, and prayer in order to maximize this energy of limitless potential available to us.
One of the most famous healing tools associated with this annual spiritual practice is the Shofar (the Ram’s Horn). The Shofar pierces the mind’s defenses and works at a vibratory level.
The sound of the Shofar awakens the soul to a time of introspection and spiritual realignment through bodily sensation.
Take time, at least once before the new moon of Tishrei to listen to the Shofar, and allow the sound to penetrate your subtle body.
Imagine connecting with all those that have heard a sound of spiritual awakening through time.
Imagine your ancestors hearing the Shofar, and their ancestors, and so on, all the way back through time.
And when you are ready, come back to this moment, come back to today.
Imagine all those that are hearing the Shofar in 2022.
Connect with the ancient sound of awakening.
Find your awe there.