Send for Yourself


This week shows us divinity’s edge; a lack of faith in God’s infinite power will not be tolerated.

Time to take your yearly spiritual eye exam. According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to consider your perspective on life in the ‘Promised Land; ’ is it difficult, or entirely blessed? 

Affirm your youthful self, and shed any doubt or cynicism you inherited from your parents. Channel the faith of Kalev and Joshua, able to see the spiritual mechanism that rules the land clearly. Despite the huge obstacles they had complete faith in God’s ability to deliver. 

The sin of the spies still runs through us to this day. There are serious karmic consequence for those that doubt the infinite’s ability to deliver, and rewards for those that believe.

Access the channel of ultimate compassion Moses opens this week to soften any harshness in your own life. And remember, spiritual mistakes happen, the important thing is not perfection, but the ability to acknowledge errors and take steps to adjust and surrender.


This is an excellent week to get your spiritual eyesight checked. 

Be sure to take a moment to consider your perspective: 

Do you believe that  God rescued his people them from soul crushing oppression in Egypt? 

Do you believe he directly cared for them in the desert? 

Do you believe he revealed and imprinted his moral code to a people…. only to have them crushed when they entered the promised land? 

How do you see the land of Israel? 

How do you see your current experience in the land?

Where do you see divinity’s hand in this land?

Where do you see it denied?




Lift up