

According to the Torah Omens this is an important time to move away from false piety, manipulative power plays, and the negative (self) talk that infects our world and disrupts our peaceful co-existence.  

This week Korach and his posse challenge the spiritual authority of Moses and Aaron, rousing the rebellious discontent of the people, and the fury of God.

And while it is unlikely in 2023 to witness a good ol’ fashion spiritual face off, or the earth to open and swallow the loser, we should all beware of the special type of hell that awaits those that live jealously of others.

Take time to question the motivations behind your ambitions. Fall on your face, look deep within, and examine yourself. Notice the places you compare yourself to others and want what they have.

This is an excellent week to optimize your soul’s potential in this world by chasing proper alignment and not the glory that was spiritually assigned to another. 


Moses’ humility is one of his most celebrated characteristics, admired and noted directly by God (on more than one occasion).

In order to cultivate genuine humility in your life, Try practicing “The Moses,” aka the “fall on your face,” anytime someone comes at you with an unfair accusation, jealous energy, or rebuke.

Note how Moses’ intuitive response is to fall on his face before addressing the person or issue.

When challenged and accused Moses brings himself to the earth, to the posture in which he continually begs God for mercy for the entire jewish people, the place of absolute surrender. It is from that place of deep inner connection he rises and speaks - leaving the entire matter for God to decide.

The reason Moses had to look inward was because Korach used Moses’ own logic and dream of an equal and holy and enlightened nation to challenge him. Moses needed to check first that he himself wasn’t off base, before addressing the issue — teaching us to do the same.

While Moses was entirely correct, and had God on his side to prove it, he was not beyond needing to connect internally before speaking.

Next time someone comes at you, try pausing, dropping deep within and connecting to your sense of divinity and finding a place of deep surrender BEFORE responding. Unlock the Moses within.




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