

Prepare to have your innermost sense of connection tested. According to the Torah Omens this is an excellent time to practice your ability to see the difference between good and evil in your everyday life. don’t feel surprised if things are coming at you from all directions.

Stay positive. Do your best to welcome guests into your home or conversations, and believe in miracles.

Ask for what you need — Abraham and his nephew Lot teach us that divinity is open to negotiation in our favor.

Still, the darkness might feel overwhelming at times. 

Sodom and Gemmorah burn this week - try to Identify and allow your lowest inclinations and addictions burn with it.

Respect the need for boundaries, even if you don’t agree — As a new mother at 90, Sarah was unapologetic in removing negative influences from her house. Listen to her voice. Clear out anything that is negatively influencing you (even if it is your surrogate son and his baby momma). 

But most of all, this weekend is a time to scan for any lingering family trauma in your life, and do your best to soothe ancient wounds. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling especially anxious, paralyzed or fearful this weekend. The fear and trembling of a father’s knife ready to kill is embedded in our ancestral code. Shake your body out, get plenty of fresh air, keep moving.

Allow ancestral fear to rise up inside your spiritual body, and take small moments to affirm the miracle of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. 

IDENTIFYING THE LEVEL OF EVIL you are working with

The Book of Origins shows us the way humanity is drawn towards evil. From the moment Good and Evil enters the human body, bad choices are made. A husband blames his wife, the woman blames the snake, and the first child in the world (almost immediately) kills his sibling. 

Given the knowledge of Good and Evil, life naturally flows evil…. until Abraham and Sarah offer the first active surrender to divinity, (the creator of both good AND evil inclinations).

Take time this weekend to identify what level of Evil you are working with by seeing yourself in Abraham and Sarah’s tests. 

Try journaling the way each of these prompts speaks to your own personal story. Click the links for the narrative reference.

Are you being asked to release your limited ideas about fertility and the capabilities for the human body (as taught through Sarah’s laughter and late motherhood)?

Are you consciously or unconsciously attached to a society that allows for rape and torment (Sodom, Gemmorah and Lot’s wife)?

Are you living in a baseless society like Sodom and Gemmorah and need an angel to save you? (like Lot did)

Have you been kept in ignorance and need to learn a little more about the world? (like Lot’s daughters)

Are you afraid of aging and losing your beauty and need to remember that Sarah was desired and taken by Avimelech as a wife at 90?

Do you need to protect your household from negative influences and strengthen your ability to define strong boundaries (Sarah’s clarity to remove Hagar and Ishmael from her household)?

 ***notice if you are the one being protected, the one doing the protecting, or are you the bully.

****trust that even the bully is loved.

Do you need to check on and protect your territory? (Avraham and the wells)

And finally — and most importantly — are you terrorized by the blind devotion of a parent or asked by divinity to sacrifice it all?

Take advantage of all the darkness being considered during this time of the year to identify the level of ‘evil’ you are personally working with, and take steps to protect yourself and remove yourself from the negative influence of society and this bad bad bad world.

Remember - sometimes what seems like the wrong thing to do (kicking out a half brother from the home, is the exact right thing to do).


Mother Sarah


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