Go forward
According to the Torah Omens this is the most favorable time of the year to step into the unknown. Let your deep inner knowing guide you, listen for your innermost call, attune to the part that (often) feels most crazy, and Lech Lecha. Go forward (into your self).
Benefit from the energy of extreme faith and inner guidance permeating the world, separate from drama, fight for justice, and ask for clarity when things feel uncertain. However, a word of caution from the lived experience of Abraham’s life partner, Sarah — a short term solution can lead to eternal problems.
So before you compromise for the sake of a partner or vision, think all the way through your worst case scenarios lest you unwittingly bring a Hagar/Ishmael situation into your life.
I strongly encourage everyone to spend this weekend in full-on “Lech Lecha mode.” Find your inner ‘crazy,’ connect with the unique design of your soul, and mediate on the most unknown parts of yourself.
important reminder let’s not forget that Avram, the father of ethical monotheism, didn’t step out alone.
Unlike most spiritual traditions, Judaism doesn’t begin with the lone youth’s inner call, but rather, a 75 year old man, his wife, his nephew, his wealth, and a following of people.
The torah almost speaks directly to anyone that thinks they are too old to change — (Abraham’s first move begins at 75).
To anyone that thinks you can only do it if you are single and have nothing to lose -- (Avram was already well established and married).
And to anyone that thinks this story is only about one man’s journey — (Abram’s wife and spiritual partner Sarai and nephew Lot, significantly effect the Abrahamic story and future of the Jewish people).
To honor the plurality of the self that journeys from the known into the unknown, try adding meditations on Sarah and Lot to your weekend’s contemplation.
Mediation #1 - The Feminine Counterpart
This weekend do your best to identify the Sarah aspect of your (un)consciousness.
Who is this woman that moved with Avram into the unknown?
Sarah’s physical beauty both literally endangers and materially enriches Avram’s life. Her partnership and choices effect the entire story of the Jewish people until this day— She is both the mother of Isaac AND the surrogate mother of Ishmael, (Remember - Ishmael was not an accident or a result of Avram having an illicit affair, without her decision to allow for surrogacy, Ishmael wouldn’t exist. )
Take some time to imagine deeply what it is to be the physical, emotional, and spiritual partner of Abraham, and to be the body that remained childless until her 90th year.
Consider Sarah’s personal sacrifice, and the vulnerability, anger and shame that happened when she brought another womb into their relationship. (Hagar was surrogate mother that didn’t respect the boundaries of her role as surrogate)
Are there places you have sacrificed for the greater good that backfired on you personally?
Is there a way you thought you make a noble sacrifice and try to help a partner or the larger cause — only to feel like you get thrown to the wolves?
Have you ever engaged another person to achieve your personal goal, and had them turn on you during the process?
Be sure to read Sarah’s story and see what she represents in your own life choices and process.
Mediation #2 - The youthful shadow
What is up with the nephew?
When Avram sets out he sets out with his wife and nephew Lot.
Who is Lot and why does he appear in the story?
He seems to be the younger part of Avram that is drawn and surrounded by drama. His staff fights with Avram’s staff, he is drawn to live amongst the evil sinners of Sodom and Gemorrah, and he pulls Avram into the war of the 9 kings.
Take some time this weekend to consider what spiritual purpose Lot has in the story.
What part of your consciousness do you carry (together with your inner call) that is causing fights, pulling your into wars, and attracted to evil?
More on this next week….. happy inner movement weekend!