Mother Sarah


This week carries tremendous vulnerability within it, the sudden death of Sarah fills our conscious and subtle body’s awareness.  Take time this weekend to grieve unprocessed trauma in current and past lifetimes. Imagine the way Abraham or Isaac might have felt knowing their personal growth moment triggered profound loss.

Feel deeply, and then rise up again.

After burying and grieving the loss of Sarah,  Abraham sets his oldest disciple to the task of finding the female heir to his spiritual and material fortune. Take advantage of this powerful forward motion. This time is especially powerful for the feminine as Rebecca asserts her will to leave her father’s house and, like Abraham, step bravely into the unknown.

Grieve your losses, and do your best to rise up and love again.


Take time this weekend to imagine you are Mother Sarah looking down from the heavens, experiencing all that has resulted from her physical and spiritual lineage.

Surround yourself her love and forgiveness.


If ever there was a formula of manifestation revealed in the Torah, it is to be found within the story of Eliezer’s mission to find Yizchak’s wife. 

Eliezer was entrusted to find the heir to Abraham and Sarah’s spiritual and material fortune. ( Abraham has him swear on his body, as if to clarify his seed was at stake).

The torah details Eliezer’s entire journey, exposing us to both his inner and spoken thoughts, (which are not always the same), revealing the entire process used by the man who Abraham entrusted our fate. 

Try following the ELIEZER method and see if it is helpful in manifesting important things in your own life.  

STEP 1: Clarify your mission and terms

Before accepting the assignment, Eliezer clarified the point he would be released from his obligation (if he was unsuccessful). He was also given the limits, for example, Yizchak must never leave the land of Israel or marry a local.

STEP 2: Pray for success 

Before stepping into the mission, Eliezer stops, calls on the God of Abraham, and prays for clear signs.

STEP 3: Stay humble.

Even when things seemed to be working out, and the signs are being revealed, he remains uncertain and focused in his prayer. 

STEP 4: Acknowledge success

When Rivka offered additional kindness (going beyond his original signs) he knew she had the innate traits that were the real prerequisite in Abraham’s legacy. When he experienced this characteristic he was finally certain and immediately thanked god.

STEP 5: Stay focused 

Even when you feel you are succeeding, stay focused on your mission until it is complete. Adapt your story to ensure success.

STEP 6: Don’t delay

Know when someone is trying to derail you, stay focused on the mission.


When it was time to leave, the household turned the decision over to the woman, allowing her to make a decision out of free will.

To read a more detailed account of Eliezer’s manifestation formula, click HERE or the links throughout.

Allow yourself to inhabit Eliezer’s process and see what moves in your own personal story of manifesting through prayer and action. 



The Story

