Beginning (again)
This week marks the creation of the world, making this a favorable time to begin putting your prayers into action; sign the lease, start your job, make the call, take a step forward.
However, the Torah Omens caution us against blind enthusiasm. As the story goes, almost immediately after introducing the binary reality in which we live, the Creator of the Universe watched his/her/their creation violate boundaries, hide, blame, and murder.
Put yourself on high alert. Temptation lurks. Shame awaits. Personal insult can turn fatal.
Step into this powerful creative energy aware of the challenges that come with beginnings, and find the element soothes. Even when the most perfect beginning turned bad, but there was a Noah element that made it all worth it.
Time to take out your prayer vision and pin it up on your wall.
Work consciously. Fill each day with a little more of your vision, try at least one new act of creation every day. What do you really really really want to happen this year?
Looking for love? Ask a friend to introduce you to someone.
Looking for a job? Reach out to a contact.
Looking to make a new friends? Say hi to someone that looks friendly.
Looking to open a creative social space? Get in touch with a real estate agent.
Your prayer needs you to create the opportunities for the blessings to manifest.
In order to get into the most powerful creative rhythm, try the creative schedule practiced by the Source Energy of the Universe. Schedule one complete day of rest every 7th day.
6 days on.
1 day off.
Repeat this for an entire year and see how it works for you.
For maximum benefit, start your day off this Friday night, see how God’s schedule works for you.