

As we prepare ourselves for the first festival of the New Year, The Festival of Huts, we simultaneously brace ourselves for Moses’ last breath. 

The Torah Omens that guide us into Sunday night’s holiday moon are both clear and poetic. Internalize this song. Bring your time in the heavens down to the ground. Commit to knowing the paradox of Oneness. That which blesses punishes (when we stray). That which punishes protects (when we return). 

Now that you have been cleared of your transgressions and sins, take 4 elements from the earth, shake them around you, and celebrate the harvest of body, mind, and soul.


In order to ground the incredible lights of Atonement into your life, try spending an entire week intentionally engaging with the elements of nature.

Step 1: Build a temporary hut outside your house following this DIY ‘hut building’ guide. 

Step 2: On Sunday night, step out of the comfort of your home, and move into your temporary shelter. Start by eating a spiritually intentional meal in your temporary hut.

Step 3: During your meal, invite your ancestors to eat with you (beginning with the father and mother of ethical monotheism, Abraham and Sarah).  Sense into this hut as a timeless cosmic object that has existed through time. 

Step 4: Continue to eat your meals and live your life in this temporary dwelling for 7 days. Each night, invite a different ancestor to eat with you.  Invite friends to join you.*for a bonus* sleep in the hut too. Notice what happens when you step out of the established into the unknown.

Ground into the truth of our human vulnerability, and re-enter your home after the festival grateful and renewed (as if each thing you have was a divine gift).

Shabbat shalom and Happy Sukkot!


The Final Blessing


Time to Go