

You are special, you are protected and you are blessed. God is with you and you will succeed in all you do IF you follow the spiritual law and councils that Moses has clearly laid out for you. 

According to the torah omens this is a favorable time to reign in any sense of entitlement you have to everything and anything. 

A man does not live by bread alone (everything comes from the creator).

When you see the abundance in your life, don’t think to yourself, even for a moment, that it’s from your own righteousness. You are here on the merits of your ancestors and to be living examples of spiritual alignment in the world.

As Moses, the humblest human to walk this earth, reminds us after the sin of the Golden calf God was ready to wipe out the entire people and start again, and the only reason the Abrahamic/Sara/Issac/Rebecca/Jacob/Leah/Rachel bloodline still exists is because of Moses’ prayers.

This is an excellent week to get really really humble. 


This week Moses gives the clear formula for how to successfully align with God’s will.

And now, O Israel, what does your God יהוה demand of you?

Only this: to revere your God יהוה, to walk only in divine paths, to love and to serve your God יהוה with all your heart and soul, keeping יהוה’s commandments and laws, which I enjoin upon you today, for your good….. it was to your ancestors that יהוה was drawn out of love for them, so that you, their lineal descendants, were chosen from among all peoples—as is now the case. Cut away, therefore, the thickening about your hearts and stiffen your necks no more.

Live in reverence and awe of divinity, love and serve the ONE divinity with all your heart and being, and follow all spiritual law and mitzvot…. oh yeah, and circumcise your hear and stop being so stubborn and defiant.

No problem!

Take time this weekend to meditate on the advice of Moses to the people.

In what ways are you able to revere God?

In what ways are you able to love God?

In what ways do you follow spiritual law?

In what ways do you need to peel away the resistance in your heart to do more?



