

While it is a well known fact that the second temple was destroyed because of brother/sisterly hatred between jews, it is a less known fact that the rabbis and high priests of the time bare the responsibility for not doing enough (or anything) to make peace between the people (at the risk of losing their personal status with influential people).  Accountability, it seems, falls on those that know better. 

According to this week’s Torah Omens, Moses is held accountable. This week opens with Moses pleading to God on his own behalf for permission to enter the holy land. And while his personal request was denied, that didn’t stop him from immediately transferring over the deepest of spiritual formulas to the exact collective and people that caused him to err and be punished

Moses is not only a teacher of laws of spiritual alignment, but a model of acceptance and grace of the will of divinity.

Failed prayers and all, Moses gives over the characteristics, requirements and preferences of divinity — filling this week’s energy with the greatest hits of the Torah. 

Take time to mediate on the channels Moses opens for the nation imprinted with divine light;

The voice that spoke out of fire at Mount Sinai.

The 10 things that were transferred directly from God’s mouth to all Jewish souls.

The Oneness of divinity (that must never be put in any material form).

The love with which closeness to God is practiced, and the council on how to pull the thought of divinity into each moment. 

And the answer to give future generations that ask “why do we do have all these restrictions and requirements.” Because we were slaves that were saved from Egypt by an Omnipotent presence that revealed himself and spiritual law to save you and honor a covenant with your ancestors.  

Meditate on any or all of these channels and allow a sense of connected oneness return to your innermost sense of self. In these times of national divide - it is essential to study and affirm the ‘things’ and practices designed to bring us all together through our highest alignment (and call out anyone in this land that isn’t).  


This weekend take some time to meditate on the following channels Moses offers - try to meditate for 10 minutes on each and see what opens within.

אֵ֥ין ע֖וֹד מִלְּבַדּֽוֹ׃ There is no other

שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהֹוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד Hear, O Israel! יהוה is our God, יהוה alone.

וְאָ֣הַבְתָּ֔ אֵ֖ת יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּכׇל־לְבָבְךָ֥ וּבְכׇל־נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וּבְכׇל־מְאֹדֶֽךָ

You shall love your God יהוה with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.




(sad) Things