I Appeared
According to the Torah Omens the level of divinity beyond the cycles of cause and effect has appeared to Moses, and through him, to us all.
Take advantage of this powerful channel that works above the karmic flow and brings the ultimate compassion into the universe. Take time to make a personal connection with the level of divinity that delivers on promises, and brings miraculous force into the world.
Note any additional intensity this week, the first seven plagues have begun. Try to see the inflowing force of energy as another step toward inner liberation. Scan yourself for Pharoah’s Heart Syndrome, (saying yes when things are tough, and reverting to old habits when the pain passes). Be sure to embrace both blessing and challenges as proof of your connection.
Sunday’s new moon shifts us out of the darkness of winter, and into the waters of new life.
The process is Exodus has begun, relax into it, like any process, it takes time.
The first 7 plagues struck the basic realities of life in the ancient Egyptian world; water sources, physical comforts, grains, cattle, and the general ability for society to function.
However, these plagues, no matter how harsh, did not effect those in spiritual alignment with this liberating force. The decedents of Jacob (the ones being rescued from oppression and suffering) experienced this energy as a blessing, and proof of divinity.
Take time this weekend to scan your body, and your life, and notice where intensity feels like a plague and where it feels like a blessing.
In places where you feel the intensity as a curse, do your best to add prayer into your practice. For example, as you breathe into tightness in your muscles, tension in your neck, the disruption in your digestive system, connect with the name of divinity revealed to Moses this week, and ask for help. Try connecting your body healing to your prayer practice, and listen deeply within.
Next, scan your life for any financial strains or limitations in your objective reality. Notice places that feel plagued in your emotional life, or financial reality, and bring prayer there too.
Ask the divine to lead you to greater understanding and to seek out the practices that will help you heal and adjust.
And for those that feel blessed in their life during this time, this is a wonderful time to introduce a prayer of gratitude into your day. May the good times continue to grow and strengthen!