It’s pick-your-personal-constriction time.
According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to begin a multi-week process of personal liberation. Identify the trauma imprinted on your ancient soul way back in Egypt Land, and see the way the traces of oppression play out in your current reality.
How are you (still) a slave? CRY OUT. Don’t hold back. To begin the process of moving out of personal constriction, and step into the force of the collective emancipation, you must first admit where it hurts.
Use The Names of your ancestors to open a channel of connection, and trust that God is hearing your cries.
A spiritual hero (Moses) has been born, miraculously protected and raised in Pharoah’s palace, taken in by a medicine man/priest, and assigned directly by divinity to set the Israelites free.
Take a masterclass in mindfulness, the channel of presence is open. Stand before the burning bush. Meditate on the redemptive form of God’s name ‘I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE’ .
And don’t be surprised if you started off 2023 ready to face adversity and things suddenly feel like they are getting harder. Moses is rejected at first, the people are made to suffer for his effort, and he is ready to give up right way. Just remember, for some mysterious reason this is how growth happens - in divine time, with strong might.
BURNING BUSH EXERCISE - Practice standing before presence.
Imagine for a moment that you are Moses. Saved by a miracle, raised in Pharaoh’s palace, nursed by your own mother, the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, royalty. Imagine you acted swiftly when you see injustice and run away when you sense trouble. Imagine yourself in the desert, married to the Medicine Man/Priest’s daughter, taken in by her spiritually gifted father, tending sheep at the Holy Mountain.
Imagine a bush fire, and an angel appearing within the fire, and the fire not consuming the bush.
Practice Moses’ intuitive movements in your thoughts. See the strange fire burn and look away. Hear the voice of the divine, and listen. Take off your shoes. Speak with the essence. And sense into the connection to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Ask for the name, and feel the presence.
Take 5 minutes to meditate on the name, and consciousness of liberation.