Get Out
Time to get out of your most stuck place. This week contains the powerful energy of positive forward motion and incredible wonder; the Sea of Reeds splits (saving the slaves, and killing the oppressors), water appears in the desert, angel food falls daily from the sky (but not on Saturday), and a battle against evil attackers (amalek) is won.
According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to cry out (in utter desperation) for the things you need most. If you suffer from panic attacks, anxiety or depression, or you generally feel lost, this is and excellent time to (re)establish your relationship with the divine. Open your channels of asking and receiving. Imagine the Seas parting entirely for you.
This week God reveals himself as the source of healing (and sicknesses). Unlock his path, follow his revealed spiritual guide, and strengthen both your faith and practice.
p.s. — Don’t forget this coming Sunday night is Tu B’shevat, the birthday of the trees. So be sure to go outside and give a tree a big hug!
They went on into the wilderness of Shur; they traveled three days in the wilderness and found no water.
For this mediation, get a glass of water and place it beside you. (careful not to let it spill)
Find a quiet place to sit.
Settle into your breath.
Begin to visualize yourself at the edge of the Sea of Reeds, hands filled with your enemy’s gold, safe from your oppressors. Both Moses and Miriam have led you in a unified song, and you are ready for the promised land. See yourself walking in the desert toward the unknown, high on the awe of miracles, and feeling of safety from your oppressors.
Walk for the first day, and then again for the second day, still no sign of a destination, or food, or even water to drink. Notice the feeling of awe wear off as you notice your body’s needs and allow yourself to sense the inner panic that comes with facing the deep unknown. Feel the desperation run through your entire body.
Imagine yourself waking up on the third day, only to see a stream of bitter undrinkable water.
Turn to your leader, together with your ancestors and voice your complaint.
Imagine seeing Moses cry out to God for help, and receive instruction. Watch as he turns a stream of undrinkable water into sweet safe water by putting a piece of wood inside of it.
Take the cup of water beside you, hold it in your hands, and imagine it is the water from that exact stream.
Imagine what was once undrinkable, but now has made safe for you by a mysterious homeopathic method. Sense into the healing properties of the water and let it heal any anxiety that you carry in your body, and remove any ancient traces of fear that remain in your system.
When you finish drinking, or between each conscious sip, do your best to meditate on the commitment from divinity to act as healer.
[God] said, “If you will heed your God יהוה diligently, doing what is upright in God’s sight, giving ear to God’s commandments and keeping all God’s laws, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians, for I יהוה am your healer.”