Further Instructions
It’s (almost) everyone’s favorite time of the year….spiritual dress up time!
This week’s Torah Omens contain further ‘instructions’ for the High Priest’s spiritual service. These instructions contain a lengthy description of the specific clothing required by Aaron and his sons before approaching the innermost chambers of divinity.
This week also contains the powerful Purim lights that come into full force with Monday night’s full moon (Tuesday in Jerusalem and other walled cities).
On a spiritual level Purim marks a point of utter inversion ; what is most inner becomes most accessible and external. The feminine shines her brightest, we celebrate the accomplishments of a woman, Esther, who overturns a genocidal decree, and the inner chambers of the King (of Kings) are accessible to us all.
Without any self judgement, allow yourself to dress the part-of-yourself that never gets a chance to shine. Shed your everyday persona, like Aaron and his sons, and allow the clothes to help you inhabit a persona you secretly long to be. Trust that the witnessing on high that happens on this one day of the year (Purim), is enough to satisfy that part of self for an entire year… or lifetime.
But most of all…. HAVE FUN!!! HAPPY PURIM!!!!
On PURIM DAY— use whatever substance needed to get to this level of treasured awareness.
Present yourself as a holy emissary of feminine grace and beauty, enter before the King, and ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT. Love, wealth, peace, guidance, and joy. Whatever it is— ask for it, for yourself, for your people, for your world.
Stand worthy, dressed like Aaron before the arc, like Esther before Achashverosh, as a queen before the creator.
Make an offering through your utter faith that this practice is real, that prayer works, and that we can and must continually connect with the highest of lights.
And most of all…. do whatever it takes to fill yourself utterly with JOY!!!!