

What personal miracle are you praying for? 

According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to surrender the limits of human logic to the infinite ability of the absolute. “Is there anything too wondrous for me to do?” (God’s words) If you find this hard to believe you are in good company, Sarah the matriarch of the Torah, like her husband Abraham, laughed when told she would conceive a child at 90. Yet, as the story goes, a healthy male child was born who she nursed and fiercely protected. Use this miraculous energy to your advantage and bring your most impossible longings into a divinely supportable position. 

After you locate your soul’s deepest longing, try pairing your meditation on the miracle of creation with the miracle of destruction. 

What aspects of our reality should be destroyed for all time? 

Take some time to consider the darkest places of our world, look them in the eye, and if you can’t find 10 redeeming qualities, welcome the destruction to your world. 

There are behaviors that are unacceptable. Indecency, Mockery, and child sacrifice (in any way). May our contemplation of the destruction of Sodom and Gemorrah removed all violent, abusive, perversion and distortion from our world once and for all.

Feel the hard line of Justice and Righteousness form with in you. Welcome the God that gives life and removes absolute evil. Carry that clarity with you into the world. 


I invite you to adapt this as a personal prayer/meditation. 

Please _- _- _- _ remove the darkest of evils from our world. Remove the impulses, and those who desire the destruction of others, those who desire to hurt or maim women, children and innocent beings, and those who take perverse pleasure from causing pain. 

Specifically remove the impulse to rape women, and the impulse to molest, abuse or neglect a child from our world, along with any traces of those impulses that may be dormant within me too. 

I call upon the most powerful force in the universe to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah and remove the extreme dark knots of energy from our world once and for all.

Compassion Meditation

Find yourself within the children of the bible. The Isaac and the Ishamael that grow up to be significant men and women in our lives. What do we learn from Isaac who likely lay himself on the altar as his father lifted the knife? What do we learn from Ishmael who is sent to the tree by his mother? What do we see about the daughters of Lot and their response to the trauma of uncertainty?

And now connect with the mothers.

Sarah who fiercely protected her child. Hagar who cast her child to the tree and cries. Lot’s wife who does what she is warned not to do.

Put yourself in each scenario and feel your own life story from the perspective of each.

Find the places you have been laid down to be sacrificed by a parent, or left willfully in the dark about important issues like Sex Education, or your mother pushed you away to cry for her own sorrows.

And then try taking your father’s hand as he takes you to be sacrificed. 

Imagine yourself all the way through, and move through any emotional blocks that come up when you try to surrender. 


The Life of Sara


Walk for yourself.