Yitro and The Top Ten.
Spiritual Bootcamp completes this week with a visit from Yitro, (Moses’ father-in-law and the region’s Shaman) an outsider who reminds us the value social organization for the sake of preserving (spiritual) energy.
Take time to examine your own systems of self-governance, and make any necessary adjustments to your moral compass.
According to the Torah Omens it is a favorable time to commit yourself to action; be mindful of what you eat, abstain from mindless physical pleasures, and upgrade your moral operating system.
How do you determine right action from wrong action?
This is a great time to affirm the value system that defines your life, whether it is The Ten Commandments, or some other moral system.
Just for the fun of it, read and consider each line of Spiritual Source Code.
To fully integrate the code into your being, commit to doing even before you read it.
Notice how each principle, if it were followed, might help you (and those around you) stay focused on living a (spiritually) productive and harm-free life.
Journal your thoughts, or share them below in the comments.
Presented in their particular order:
Don’t want your neighbor’s wife, or animals, or anything.
Upgrade Complete.
Do you agree to this code?
Do you stand by these principles?
Shabbat Shalom!