To Stand
Perhaps a hurricane erupted on your city, or a person you love activated your most sensitive triggers, whatever intensity began unleashing on you last week, the Torah Omens continue to intensify with Monday night’s new moon. So try your best to relax your body, release your mind, and most of all prepare your soul to receive the time of greatest potential awakening of the year,
The end of the lunar month of Elul,
The New Hebrew Calendar Year.
(and for those tapped into the Torah’s spiritual cycle),
Judgement Day.
Whatever your spiritual practice, you are invited to connect with the energetic resonance of an entire people, scattered around the world, preparing themselves to pray for their lives. According to week’s Torah Omens there is a tremendous the closeness of presence during this time. (as if the King of all Judgements is sitting beside you on the train on the way to the courtroom and is ready to listen as a friend).
Take advantage of this opening, begin organizing the prayer for you life, and life on this planet. It is upon each and every one of us to blanket this world with positive, God loving, good serving, joy filled, expansive thoughts and actions. It is upon us to beg the creator, also the creator within ourselves, for a good year and pray for our highest self.
Believe your efforts to be worthy. Choose life.
This week’s Torah energy comes from a section of text called Nitzavim (translated as to stand) and offers a conscious call to bond with the eternal commitment with the Source Energy of the Universe for all time.
Moses is coming to the end of his transmission and begins this week by solidifying the transpersonal, intergenerational covenant between God and the descendants of Israel.
Moses, the greatest teacher of light, once again, reframes the essential elements of the path to spiritual alignment, without hiding the terrifying consequences of violating this covenant.
Moses, master of prayer, continues to do his best to prepare the exact group of people that left him to die alone in the desert without a single protest. ( btw- if you are looking for a teacher in overcoming resentment, look no further.)
This week Moses continues to hand over his entire consciousness, warning those of us that might say in our heart, “ I’ll be fine if I follow my own way”. Actually you won’t be fine. The same God that blesses, will destroy you too. And so when awful things begin to happen, don’t be surprised. That is God too, and now that this covenant is made, it is non- reversible, like life itself.
And yet,
And always,
God that will accept you back, the moment you turn back, and fully recommit to the path Moses laid out, and come home to the inescapable fate of those born into this bloodline.
The light is not far off in the sky, or across the sea, and you certainly don’t need anyone to get it for you. The light is right there inside you.
And this time of year is the time we all have to make a choice: Life and good, or death and bad.
The choice is ours.
So choose life, as if there is no choice at all.
What does ‘life’ mean to you?
Now is an excellent time to sincerely explore that question. Take time to clearly define what it means to have a joy filled existence.
What are you asking for?
What is the feeling that you want to continually cultivate in your life?
What are the things or experiences that will help you attain that feeling?
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Safe, Joy-filled year of positive growth, awareness, and connection.