To Plead


According to the Torah Omens this is the ideal time to grapple with the paradox of oneness, especially in the aspects of life that feel unfair and punishing. 

Internalize Moses’ emotional state as he metabolizes his destiny to die outside the promised land. Notice the structure of his pleading, God’s denial of his prayer, and Moses’ response to God’s verdict— instead of turning from the God that punishes, or raging at the people who triggered his mistake, he offers the most profound meditations on Oneness held by the Torah people until this day.

Take advantage of the channel Moses opens, guiding us to process painful experiences and negative karmic consequences by reconnecting with the infinite. This weekend is an excellent time to review the spiritual essence seared into our souls at Sinai, imprinted through direct contact with divinity. 

So whether in this moment you feel blessed like an Israelite ready to cross into the land, or like Moses with a denied prayer, this is an excellent time to access the channel of acceptance, love and awe and connect with the Oneness bigger than us all.


When we think of revelation at Sinai and the ten commandments, it is easy to think of a set of rules that can be understood intellectually. However, as Moses reminds us, the 10 commandments were not regular teachings (like the laws he was tasked to teach the Israelites),  the revelation at Sinai broke the spiritual barrier. Never before had a human heard the sound of the voice God’s voice and felt the energy of Source Energy fire and lived to tell the tale.

At Sinai the people chosen to carry the essence of Source Energy in the world were imprinted with divine consciousness. The energy was so intense these chosen people asked Moses to be an intermediary - but even still - the imprinting still happened, God spoke mouth to mouth to the people,  searing each soul so deeply, the energy resonates for all time.

Take time this weekend to find those essential energies within your own soul and unlock your ancestral bond, try to go beyond the basic words of the commandments and unlock the emotional resonance of each — allow the words to awakened a deeper knowing from within. Allow your intellect to drop away. Be curious for the feeling of each essence. See what resonance is awakened somewhere deep within.

Read each one and journal what thoughts or feelings or emotional essence comes to mind. 

The Top Ten

And please share your thoughts and findings in the comments below!


Lying on your back, with easy slow breaths, begins to bring your awareness to your body. Breath down to your heart, then your belly, then into your pelvis, thighs, feet and toes until your body fills with the awareness of your breathe.

Again using your breath, begin a slow inner body scan starting with your toes working your way up your body until you get to the crown of your head, and then back again. Scan the front and back of your body along with your internal organs.

Notice what part of your body has tension, what part of your body has ease. 

When you are ready bring one of the most powerful spiritual access points Moses gave God’s people, the SHEMAH into your awareness

שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהֹוָ֥ה ׀ אֶחָֽד׃

Hear, O Israel! יהוה is our God, יהוה is one.

“The Lord our God, the Lord is one.”

Focus on the final word “אֶחָֽד” the essence of ONE.

Begin to bring your body into the awareness of Oneness.

Use your breath to find the place that feels tight, and pull your idea of “אֶחָֽד” the essence of ONE to that tight place.

In the next breath bring the same meditation on “אֶחָֽד” the essence of oneness to the part of your body that feels easy and gentle and good.

Move your awareness between the two, always dropping into the mysterious Oneness, the God of the Israelites.

Allow your breath and awareness to flow between the two places, holding the paradox of comfort and discomfort, ease and tension, one feeling and another feeling in the same body and form.

Journal your findings when you are done.


Pay Attention

