The Rules
According to this week’s Torah energy this is an excellent time to ground yourself in reality.
After the height of spiritual revelation at Sinai, the Torah immediately pulls us into the challenge of human coexistence - all the rules around theft, murder, human trafficking, property damage, seduction, accidents, etc. , lest you think that a committed spiritual life immunizes you from the problems of real life.
And while it's true that you are meant to celebrate the miracles that took your ancestors out of slavery in Egypt daily – you remain free will to sell yourself right back into servitude- however- this time there are clear rules around it - both for the owner and for the slave. What defines the practice of Oneness is the ability to bring the consciousness of that Oneness into that world in every aspect of your life. Take a slave if you must, but if you abuse your slave, your slave goes free. This is a nation that agrees to act “na’ase” (we will do) with the constant awareness of a higher power, and after that we have the ability to listen deeply (ne’shma). There is no spiritual bypass - the way you act in this life is how you bring holiness into the world.
So, whether or not you had a choice to be a jew – take time this weekend to fully appreciate the rules that come with Torah living. Following spiritual law helps us live clean… and if and when mistakes or accidents happen - we have a way to fix them.