Spiritual Initiation


It’s integration time. 

Whatever blessings you were able to pull down on Purim need to be grounded as soon as possible. The 30 days between the full moon of Purim and the full moon of Passover are the optimal time to break old patterns and bring permanent, lasting change into your life and the world. So let’s get to work!

Take daily action to manifest the things you prayed for. Start decluttering your home (cleaning for passover), give a shekel (or more) to charity, and begin to move forward with things you want to have/happen in your life and this world.  Each small intentional step, taken with a clear focus, empowers you to bring your prayer into reality.  Trust that that taking those small steps in our small life are the best way to inspire the Source Energy to take the BIG STEPS and answer our BIG prayers for all of Am Israel and the world.

This week’s Torah Energy offers an additional boost the spiritual power with a focus on the 7 day initiation process Aaron and his 4 sons. This shabbat feel the power of your own elevated state of holiness, and consider yourself initiated. 


The Eighth Day


Happy Purim