Happy Purim


We are in the final moon cycle of the jewish calendar, the last moments of this year to plead with God to overturn the negative karma coming down on the jewish people since October 7, the morning after Hoshanna Rabba (Little Yom Kippur). 


On the most basic level Purim offers a singular opportunity to enter the inner chambers of the King (divinity) and beg to overturn the edict that threatens the jewish people. The story of Queen Esther is a placeholder for the opening happening on the inner spiritual planes on Purim night, and the power of feminine grace to successfully change history. 

This year, imagine yourself a cell in Esther’s body. Feel the fate of the entire jewish people on your shoulders, and, like Esther, on the full moon, close your eyes, go deep inside, invite the King of Kings to your inner banquet, and then, with gentle grace, present your case. PLEAD WITH ALL YOUR SPIRITUAL MIGHT for mercy, forgiveness and grace for yourself and the entire jewish people.

The darkness of Amalek is abundantly active in the world- an overwhelming shadow of doubt has been cast on the truth and it seems to keep getting worse. As Israel and the entire Jewish people face existential threat on a national and global level, we must ALL find a way to activate our spiritual potential in order to protect and save ourselves and the spiritual whole.  

Additional spiritual energy comes with the start of the book of Ya’Yikra, the third book of Torah that details the spiritual service that connects material reality to the divine. And while we have lost the ability offer an animal’s life in place of our own, we have gained the obligation to make our offering through inner work, awareness and prayer. 

Allow the desperate urging of Mordechai awaken your heart, know that redemption must come through. Be the channel to bring it in.

May we all emerge from the Purim lights forgiven, and awakened to a time of mutual respect, love, the ability to tolerate difference and the era of Growth Through Joy.


For thirty-two years Sarah Yehudit Schneider’s has been hosting a spiritual Purim party on Mount Zion unlike any other. This Prayer, Meditation, and Movement Happening on Purim has evolved into an extraordinary opportunity to tap into the very essence of Purim—the superconscious lights (רדל"א) that were unlocked by Esther and are now uniquely available on “Esther’s day” (ie, Purim).

FIND OUT MORE HERE and join in Jerusalem, in a local community, or online.

Here are some videos to help you prepare.

For the love of Israel and the survival of the Jewish people, don’t miss this moment to pray.


Spiritual Initiation


The Record