The Names. Sh’mot.

2021. We head into this year encouraged by spiritual communities to see this time as one of shifting consciousness. The movement from the age of Capricorn (this world, individual and material) to the age of Aquarius (more collective and circle consciousness), what the Chassidim and Kabbalists have calculated to be the pre-messianic phase of history, the shift from growth through blood sweat and tears into growth through joy.  Hurray. Things are getting better.

Still, thanks to Corona Consciousness, our global economies are interrupted, physical movement across the planet slowed (almost to a halt) and people are (generally) staying still. Financial and food insecurity continues to be a reality for the world’s most vulnerable populations, as is racism, sexism, and other forms of inequalities, injustices and abuses. Clearly we still have work to do.

This extended 2021 New Year Torascope is dedicated to inner redemption that will, hopefully, be reflected in a year of social and global shifts in consciousness.  Whether you are trying to eliminate unconscious bias from your personal life or society, may this be the year of deep, meaningful change for all. 


This week marks the beginning of a new cycle of energy that will last 21 days. Take notice of any questions or ideas that spark an emotional response. Try writing out a list of words or associations to those questions. Circle 1-3 words/phrases that have the most energy for you. Over the next 3 weeks notice when and how that word, thought or feeling appears in your daily life.

You are also welcome and encouraged to read the actual chapters before or after reading your Torascope. This week’s narrative focus can be found here. (I prefer the Sefaria translation.)

So. 2021.

New Year. New Book. 

Ready to start (again)?  Ready to go through another cycle of growth? To find the places in your life or psyche that feel oppressed- and manifest internal liberation?

Hello Sh’mot Energies ( The Book of Exodus) 

This book represents the beginning of a new phase in the energetic cycle of personal growth and collective evolution. Narratively it opens with the children of the children of Jacob/Israel, the last of the three men who passed their connection with all Source Energy through a single heir. This book, and the 3 books that follow, opens the relationship of Source Energy/Hashem/God to an entire group of people as a single archetype, a fundamental shift from the Origin book that follows a single individual in relationship with the divine. Time to get in touch with our collective self.

This week also sees Moses energy coming into our consciousness - Moses representing the archetypical leader/hero/savior energy that takes the unconscious, disconnected, and oppressed parts into the light. 

Ready to experience an Exodus from another layer of your unconscious thinking? 

let’s begin. 


Way down in Egypt Land. 

Things are about to get intense. According to the tora cycle the energy has shifted from the origin story and family dynamics found in B'reshit (The Book of Genesis)  - into the vulnerability of an immigrant population flourishing in Egypt. As we continue to see in modern politics, a country can feel threatened by a multiplying immigrant population - even if that population is helping the economy. And so like many governments, Pharoh systematically began to oppress the foreign population which eventually led to their total enslavement.  

Are there any parts of yourself or your world that feel oppressed by external forces? 

Try to touch that Inner slavery. Mental slavery. Physical slavery. Emotional slavery.

What comes up ?


The Pharaoh Within.

Notice the way each archetype triggers your psyche. How do you feel about the Pharaoh archetype? Is there an internal part that feels threatened by success and tries to control through means of oppression, or pinching you off? Do you see that Pharoah energy in your government or world? Check in with your inner pharoah, as well as the pharaoh energy in our societies.

Where are the places the fear of being overwhelmed holds you back?

Where are the places the fear of being overwhelmed holds back others?

Are they internal or external states?  


The good news. A HERO!!!!!

Who is hoping a hero/leader will come in and save us? 

Hello moses. This week sees the birth of the leader/hero/savior - making it an excellent time to notice  the parts waiting for leader/hero/savior energy to lift us out of stuckness. It is also a good time to notice which parts actively identify with being the leader/hero/savior. The appearance of Moses signifies that aligned leadership is possible, but remember -- this liberation is far from instantaneous.

The omens warn us to prepare for the resistance inherent in true emancipation, and align with the rhythm of divine timing. Meaning - just because things are getting harder, doesn’t mean they aren’t going according to a divine plan. Use this time to continually strengthen your connection by seeing resistance as an initiation into the spiritual logic of the universe. 

Are you waiting for the hero to save you/the world?

Are you working to become the hero that will save the world?

Are you becoming the hero that will save yourself?


Hello God logic. 

In order for Source Energy/God/Hashem to (re)establish a connection with his “first born” people, the children of Israel/Jacob, he/she/it first establishes a connection with the leader/hero/savior, Moses. 

In this week we see the way Source Energy/God/Hashem creates and executes a plan that we contemplate until today. 

Anyone starting this year off looking to manifest a (heroic) vision might want to look both at the nature of divine planning (the way God/Source Energy plans to rescue) and the way a leader/Hero/Savior is chosen and strengthened for the task. Notice if any guidance helps prepare you for what it takes to execute. 

I recommend starting with the burning bush and reading until you feel the spiritual logic both in the planning and in the way the narrative unfolds . Hear the call. Find the leader. Assure him with signs. Warn of resistance. Promise eventual and utter success.

The process starts in Exodus Chapter 3 a few lines in…. after the bush.

How do you understand the source of resistance in your life or in the world?

Does your experience of resistance shift when see it as part of a divine unfolding?


Aligned women. 

It seems that the entire Moses story is surrounded with co-operation and praise for the women in the narrative making this feel like an excellent time to acknowledge feminine co-operation in ourselves and the world.  (the masculine and feminine existing in both men and women).

Allow yourself to imagine that every female character throughout this part of the torah narrative corresponds to a feminine aspect within yourself, or a type of woman in the world. Moshe’s mother, sister, Pharaoh's daughter, and his midianite wife. Each one protecting  the hero/savior/prophet that guided a nation to liberation. The omens invite us to notice our connection in these feminine parts, to see this progress both within and reflected by women in the word — and to see the healthy unwavering forces of early childhood attachment and feminine support that surrounded and protected our leader/hero/savior archetype from the time of his birth.

How would you like to see feminine grace acknowledged or celebrated in your life or the world?

Does the feminine participation found at the beginning of this book satisfy you, or would you prefer a female leader/savior/hero?

And so.

Whoever or whatever forces or archetypes activate and speak to your place in the process, I want to wish everyone a safe passage out of slavery, disconnection and doubt, into a year of manifestation, awareness and joy.

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind”


To Appear. Va’ere.


And he Lived. Va’Yechi.