Time to Sit and relax… just kidding!
Unfortunately for Jacob, and anyone that wants to chill, this week’s Torah Omens are all about moving the plot (of life) forward.
Note the strong energy of assertion in the air, and be sure to clarify the source of your desire. Joseph’s brothers realized too late that you can’t just get rid of an internal family problem without causing inconsolable pain to the entire family system.
However, the impulse to assert can also be a good thing. Tamar, literally pretended to be a prostitute, and seduced her father in law in order to have a baby, is praised for beginning the process of messianic arrival with her dubious actions. So remember, when asserting will, your motivation is essential.
Take time to discern the strong female sexual energy this week. When sexual energy is self-serving it can lead to frustration and disappointment for both parties. The wife of Potifar (Joseph’s Egyptian slave master) was unsuccessful in seducing Joseph, and Joseph was unsuccessful in avoiding trouble, so do your best to avoid those situations altogether.
And of course, get plenty of sleep and keep dreaming. The festival of Light is almost here.
This week contains two contrasting stories of female sexual energy asserting itself to achieve a personal goal.
In the first case, we see Tamar, dressed as a prostitute, seducing her father in law, in order to have a baby from the Abrahamic bloodline.
In the second instance we see the wife of Joseph’s slave master relentlessly trying to seduce Joseph for her personal pleasure.
Regardless of the outcome of their effort, the Torah is inviting us to examine our own sexual energy, and the way we consciously and unconsciously apply it to get what you want in the world.
Find a quiet space, light a candle, take a few deep breaths and do your best to settle yourself.
When you are ready, try journaling to the following prompts. Remember - only you are reading your entries, so be as honest and specific as possible - self awareness is always a good thing.
PROMPT #1 - Desires
Name three times you have used your sexuality in order to influence another person, or the outcome of a situation.
What was the thing you wanted? (a person’s attention, a table at a restaurant, a free donut…)
What clothing, gestures, and subtle energies did you use to assert yourself? Be as specific as possible.
How did it feel to inhabit your sexual power?
PROMPT #2 - Outcomes.
What was the outcome of your effort?
Were you successful in getting what you want?
First name a times you were successful getting what you wanted using sexual energy. Be specific about clothing, gestures, and subtle energies you used. How did your success feel?
Next name a time you were totally unsuccessful getting what you wanted using sexual energy. Again, be specific about clothing, gestures, and subtle energies used. How did you handle the rejection?
PROMPT #3 - Motivation
Take some time to explore the motivation behind your assertions in both your successful and unsuccessful assertions of sexual energy. Is there a difference?
The goal is to become more aware of the way we use our subtle energies, and responsible for the effect we cause with our movement in the world.