

Tap into the spiritual power generated through 8 consecutive nights of ritual candle lighting, and use it to your benefit. Celebrate the presence of original light in this world, and replenish your source of personal miracle energy.

The Torah Omens amplify the spiritual potential of Hanukkah by highlighting the powerful cycles of karmic unfolding. After Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, and later thrown in jail, he is made an Egyptian ruler, second only to Pharaoh.

Make time to pray for revealed good into your own life (so you don’t have to be sold into slavery, or put in jail, before you rise to your fullest potential) and to bless yourself, and the world, to live in a time of open and revealed miracles. 

However, don’t be surprised if you feel like you are being tested in some way, or can’t see the light that is around you. Like the brothers who didn’t recognize Joseph when they came to Egypt for food, there is a lot that blocks us from seeing clearly.

May we awaken to times of direct light and revealed good in the world. 


These lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make use of them, but only to look at them, in order to offer thanks and praise for Your wonders and for Your salvations. 

This week we find ourselves within eight days consecutive of ritual candle lighting.

Each night we light these spiritually meaningful candles to both celebrate and reconnect us with the Source of all light, and the lights of the temple in some way.

The following mediation invites us to gain maximum spiritual benefit from this practice.

Step 1: Prepare you candles. 

To activate this level of light, the candles must be placed in a window sill, (or outside). The candles must be visible for people walking by.

Step 2: Prepare a chair.

Prepare a place to sit near the candles, (so you can relax during your mediation) be sure you can see the candles from your seat. 

Step 3: Light your candles with a blessing

These candles receive two blessings; the first honors the practice of lighting of the Channukah lights, and the second to honor this time of miracles.      

Step 4: Take a seat

Sit in a relaxed position and fix your gaze upon the flames.

Step 5: Stare at the candles

For the next 10, 20 or ideally 30 minutes sit and stare at the candles. 

Allow your thoughts to wander, always bringing them back to the candle light. Continue to keep imagining a connection to the light in the ancient temple, and the Source of miracles. 

Step 6: Write a prayer

When you finish your mediation, take a piece of paper and write out the miracles you want to see in your life, and the world. 

Be as specific as possible. 



