Brace yourself, we have entered the exile phase of this year’s cycle. A process that is, by God’s design, a slow one, that tends to get harder before you can truly ‘go free'.
The Torah Omens urge us to consider the most enslaved parts of ourselves and our culture, and ‘name’ the parts that attract and enforce toxic and abusive behavior patterns, the parts that make us feel trapped or small, the parts that are hard to notice and painful to remove.
In the coming weeks and months, take full advantage of the spiritual process that occurs as we move from darkness (winter solstice) to light (spring and summer), — in a concerted effort to shift the most tyrannized part of ourselves from unconscious into awareness.
And for those that feel their souls were either born, or called into the Abrahamic practice of ethical monotheism, this week’s Omens awaken a meditation on the unbreakable connection between the ancestors of this practice and the Source Energy of the Universe—- making this a time of both personal and collective awakening.
Bind your identity, as God bound his, to a specific spiritual lineage, and allow for the sense of belonging to hold you during this period of deep growth.
The divine rays of unification have begun to reveal themselves to the world.
EXERCISE: Finding your inner exile.
What you will need: A paper, a pen, and 2-3 envelopes.
On small pieces of paper, write out the different parts of yourself.
The parts you like most,
The parts you are proud of,
The parts you are less proud of,
The parts for which you feel embarrassed or ashamed.
In order to help with the process, you might first start by writing an action that you did and then identify the part of you that most strongly organized that action. For example: I call my parents once a week. Now give a name to that part of yourself. The “nice” part, the “guilty” part, the ‘obedient’ part… Continue to find and name different aspects of yourself, unafraid to name the parts that are ‘hateful,’ ‘fearful,’ ‘jealous,’ or ‘angry.’ (remember, only you are looking at this list).
Part 2
Lay out all your parts in front of you. Try to notice any patterns.
Put all the pieces of yourself that you are proud of having in one envelope labelled “Parts of Self.”
Lay the remaining pieces of paper out on a flat surface.
Again, look for any patterns and then put all the aspects you tolerate or accept about yourself in an envelope called “Also Parts of Self”
Part 3
What parts are still left on the table?
Of these parts, which is the most shameful, reviled, and harshly judged part of yourself? (or pattern)
Choose that part to work with during this Exodus cycle.
Place this paper somewhere you can see it, and try to sit with this part at least once a week.
Journal the thoughts that come up without judgement.
The first step of getting out of mental or physical slavery is recognizing you are in it,
the second step is believing a divine power watches over you, and there is a way out.