The time of the great squeeze is upon us.
Don’t be surprised if you had an overwhelming week, the energy of Passover contains a frenzy of demands. This is also Shabbat Ha’Gadol (The Big Sabbath) which brings an additional element of spiritual pressure.
The Torah Omens encourage us to connect our personal challenges to the processes of spiritual purification for the Metzorah*, and remind us to notice the body’s changing states of purity. Do your best to see your personal afflictions as a ‘God compliment,’ something you are spiritually designated to process, and make this year’s Passover offering one of deeper awareness.
You might also invite yourself to use this week’s Big Shabbat energy to spiritually reintegrate yourself into a personal sense of holiness. See any pressure as a ‘God-squeeze’ inviting you into deeper connection. And when it gets too much, cry out for help. The God of Miracles is near. We can’t get redemption until can live no other way.
*Remember spiritual sickness (Tz’arat) was only contracted by those that were spiritually advanced enough to process it, and the ritual reintegration process of a person with Tzarat (spiritual sickness) back into the community resembles the 8 day initiation of the High Priest. (seeming to initiate the Metzorah into a higher spiritual status then before the affliction).
Time to clean!
This week’s Torah Omens remind us that the home, is a living thing. Just like the body, it can contract a spiritual sickness that needs ritual purification. And like a body it needs loving attention.
And so, this year, as you go through the labor of cleaning your home, imagine each corner to be an aspect of your inner self. Search for bread (or bread related items) as if they were crumbs of old consciousness that need to be removed.
Make space for your springtime growth and the manifestation of your Purim prayers.
See the cleaning of your home as a ritual process, and prepare your personal world for our unified redemption.