

According to the Torah Omens this is a favorable time to check yourself (and others) for symptoms of spiritual sickness.

This Friday’s new moon invites us to conceive a 30 day meditation on speech. Take notice of the way you use your voice and word to support, empower, undermine, manipulate or discredit others. Spiritual sickness (Tzar’at) no longer appears on our skin, or our clothing, or the walls of our homes, today it exists on the inside. Inside our relationships. Inside our communities. Inside our jokes, mocking, lies, gossip, and generally misaligned speech.

Scan yourself. Notice patterns. Ask your teachers and friends for help. Listen to the feedback that comes. 

Trust that the way we speak, no matter how ugly, can only be transformed when we allow (healthy) perspective.


Refining Spiritual Connection.

Imagine a stream of flowing golden honey.

Walk over to the stream and fill a glass with the honey.

Hold the glass to the light and notice any black flecks or impurities in the honey.

In your own imagined way, create a method to clean the black flecks from the honey before returning it to the stream. Perhaps you pull them out with your fingers, perhaps you use a straining process, whatever your method, don’t return the honey until it is absolutely clean.

As you work on this process, imagine those black flecks are the impurities you must clean from your own soul.

Takes your time, allow the inevitable mess.

Notice the way the the impurities are easier to clear once they are isolated in the glass. Take your time with this exercise. With each imagined fleck, imagine an impurity of your own soul being removed from your own self.

Ancient interpretation assures us that spiritual sickness happens primarily through our transgressions of speech; when we gossip, scorn, lie and falsely flatter others. Actions that are primarily unconscious, and hard to notice find. 

This month, trust you will have energetic help cleaning these patterns out.



