I Appeared


This week’s torah energy asks us to trust the process, to find a deep sense of knowing that our cries have been heard, and that help is on the way— as we bury our dead, mourn our murdered, and tend to our wounded - Trust that God’s promise holds, and we will endure. 

This week another level of divinity is coming down into the world; the God that fulfills promises and liberates from suffering is revealing himself to the world (even though we might not yet be able to see it). 

Breath in deeply, and fill the places that hurt with the soul awareness that salvation comes. Unlike the Israelites oppressed in Egypt, unable to hear Moses’ assurance, we have the consciousness to see beyond our immediate pain and devastating losses. 

For thousands of years we have been actively remembering and re-enacting the cycle of redemption from oppression. Take time this weekend to remember how the story goes, plague after plague after plague….awakening both us and our enemy to the awesome power of the Creator.

Like trained soldiers, imagine yourself on the spiritual battlefront, pushing forward toward liberation.

While, thank God, we are no longer physical slaves to a Pharaoh in Egypt, WE ARE ALL SLAVES to the lower consciousness of our current reality, the consciousness of intolerance, of jealousy and hatred, the consciousness that ultimately results in war and killing and violence and instability.

Let’s, together, make this cycle the final cycle. Cry out in the name of every soul that has died or been taken captive or injured in the past 97 days  of war— the purity of those souls would astound you. 

Cry out in your own name, and the name of your ancestors. Cry for a world beyond our own, a world beyond pain and suffering, a world of Growth through joy. Cry for the the ultimate redemption, to awaken to see the good in every moment - even when we hurt.

May this be our last practice run. May this be the cycle that frees us from our small minded reality, and


Come to Pharoah


(beloved) Names