

Whether you felt it or not, the planet just experienced an intense light bath.  Jews around the world consciously brought God’s presence into the physical reality by lighting candles with a blessing for 8 consecutive days. 

Don’t be surprised if your joy was challenged in some way during the past 8 days. The practice of blessing light brightens us, but it also always shows us the places that still need to grow, the lingering dirt in the corners of our lives. 

This week’s torah energy of Encounter,  provides us the perfect energetic opportunity to meet those uncomfortable places. Take advantage of the grace of Joseph, (able to forgive and see God’s plan in it all), and the accountability of Judah (able to take responsibility for past wrongdoing and causing his father pain). 

 Face the part of yourselves that still needs to forgive and be forgiven by your family and your own self. Let the energy of joyful reunion fill you – and do your best to feel the relief of being whole, and to have a second chance at life (despite the fact that our parts are uniting while we are still in spiritual exile).

And then, once your own work is done, take a moment to use the energy of reuniting as a prayer, a plea, and a call for God to end our nations suffering and bring all our hostages to home. It’s enough already. Please God - we can’t take it anymore. 


Lived Life


Happy Chanukah!