Come Together
The joyous wave of Purim has passed, the sin of the Golden Calf has been forgiven, and we are approaching the end of our yearly spiritual cycle. Enjoy these last days of Adar, the final month of the spiritual year, and prepare yourself to begin again. Passover is coming.
According to the Torah Omens this week is a favorable time to make a creative offering that celebrates the divine. Access the channel opened by Bezalel, the artist that built the Mishkan, (the space where God temporarily resides amongst the Israelites in the desert) who was endowed with talent directly from God. Pray to the source of all artistic talent to enhance your creative capacity with divine light.
This week of coming together and recording closes out the book of Exodus. Allow yourself the same sense of forgiveness and completion felt by the people in the desert when God occupied the Mishkan (so completely that even Moses couldn’t enter when the presence was there).
Feel for those complete spaces of presence within, and prepare for the process of cleaning out.
We are approaching the new moon of Nissan, the first moon counted in our spiritual cycle.
Be sure to take these last days of Adar to experience the sense of completion with your own personal spiritual cycle.
Evaluate your spiritual growth and practice since last Passover.
Do you feel your value as spiritually significant human being? How have you embraced and maintained a spiritual practice?
Take an inner inventory, and see how you have done beginning with your relationship to prayer, Shabbat, charity, self-respect and respect for others… etc.
Along with the deep cleaning of your house, the moon of Nissan is a time to begin to clear out any places that are still blocking us.
What stopped you from manifesting your soul’s full potential this past year?
Start the process of finding the Chametz by identifying ego distortions. With each crumb you find in your home, imagine it as a blockage in your soul. Scrub from outside in. Commit to finding the chammetz (ego distortions) and cleaning them out.
Like in the exodus story itself, the preparation is part of the liberation process.
More on cleaning in the weeks to come…. for now… relax into the end of Adar and the final shabbat of the year!