At the Mountain
A holy life is defined by elevating every experience into divine awareness.
For the past few weeks the Torah energy has advised us on how to be holy in every aspect of our lives; love, friendship, business and the practice of time.
This week’s torah energy takes us one step further - spiritually obliging us to release our sense of personal entitlement to our land, the food it produces, and the slaves and migrant workers that live and work it. The practice of surrender happens in seven and fifty year cycles and only applies in The Land of Israel.
So, for anyone wondering why the Jews have gone to so much trouble to live on a land surrounded by enemies, mired in conflict, and threatened by constant war, this weekend is an excellent time to try to appreciate what it means to have a spiritual homeland. A physical place for a physical people to practice metaphysical awareness into a physical world.
Do your best this week to affirm the Splendor in a spiritual life, and the deep inner peace that comes with a constant and active practice of humility for a consciousness beyond our own.