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This week’s energy carries a new dimension of divinity, the aspect of God that intervenes in history, rescues from suffering, and fulfills promises- yet unseen in the entire Book of Origins. But when Moses is tasked to deliver this hopeful news to the Israelite slaves in Egypt, they were so broken by the the harsh conditions of their lives, they couldn’t even hear it.
So, after a year and a half of war, an inevitable deal with the devil, and a world that continues to have sympathy for a terror regime…..if you are feeling like it's impossible to catch your breath, and listen to messages of hope, you aren’t alone.
As we enter the energy field of the plagues, it is important to remember that the plagues were meant to be experienced by both the Hebrews and the Egyptians. For the Israelites the plagues were meant as a source of awakening, blessing and healing- while for the Egyptians they were meant to be punishing.
Note the parts in you that are available to see miracles, even in the darkest times…. and the parts of yourself that have lost faith in divine protection and deliverance.
Use this time wisely to come more fully into your Ancient Israelite self, and do your best to see even the hardest of circumstances as an invitation for spiritual and emotional growth.