Terms for the Undefinable Essence


One of the main motivations for writing this blog is to expand our relationship to Torah as spiritual text, and with it- the notion of a creative force in the universe and a consciousness beyond any individual human comprehension.

While Torah consciousness trains practitioners to refrain from speaking the four letter name aloud, in order to speak about this essence other words tend to be used. It is my experience - by no fault of our own - that those terms have become so filled with projections that the awe necessary when referring to that essence has become diluted and mired with limited thinking.

For this reason I have chosen to use a space holder _- _- _- _ inviting the reader to fill in the word that resonates and feels most true. Below is a list of traditional terms used to refer to the creative essence of the universe from a Torah perspective.


God is the most universally accepted way to refer to the creator of the universe. This term speaks across a range of spiritual practices - and is generally accepted to mean a force more powerful than any human.



This is a configuration that feels most popular in academic circles which transliterates the tetragrammaton into english letters


Translated as “the name” and referring to the name of the holy one that cannot be spoken. In Hebrew this name is a way of speaking the final letter of the ineffable name - however over time it has come to stand as a name in and of itself.


Source Energy

A term used by Abraham/Hicks that I picked up on years ago. The idea that all energy comes from a single source into which we are born and through which we become connected.