The desire to sit
This is a favorable time to explore your ability to impact life’s unfolding – especially the inevitable unfolding decreed from on high.
First, the decree – when Abraham asked the divine for proof of his claim to the land of Israel - he/we learn that his descendants will be strangers in a land where they would become oppressed and enslaved. Ultimately, however, the divine would redeem them, and they would inherit the promised land (the land of Israel).
As soon as that vision was revealed, the edict was set - but what was still unknown was how it was going to unfold… and the karmic implications of that would become part of the unfolding. This week’s story of Joseph and his brothers is an example and a warning.
Did Joseph deserve to be sold into slavery just because he was annoying? Obviously not.
Could Joseph have been more self aware and therefore less annoying? - probably.
Could his brothers have been less savage? - definitely.
Could Jacob have been a more present father, and done a better job engaging with each of his children and keeping peace amongst them? - seems so.
Could things have been different? - absolutely
The end result of slavery in Egypt might have been the same - but the Nation of Israel, as a people, might have avoided the imprint of brotherly hatred and the ancient karmic debt that came with it - a story we seem to still be playing out until today….. making this week an excellent time to take responsibility for the way you participate in this dynamic and do your best to adjust yourself.
For example:
Do you feel you have clarity on the relationship between the current war in Israel and the messianic arrival? Do you find yourself preaching about it enthusiastically during a time of war and loss? - maybe try to chill out and don’t be such a Joseph about it.
Sharing your “dreams” before their time isn’t helpful to you or the vision.
And for anyone that feels their political ideology so strongly that “the other side” makes your blood boil – don’t be such a savage, it’s the energetic field of the brothers in you…. remember how much the outcome of your hate hurt your ancestral father….
And perhaps most of all – if you are a parent, teacher, guide or friend and you see either of the above traits in someone over whom you have some influence – don’t stay silent — talk to your kids, students, friends and family as if all of our peace depended on it.
The energetic field of spiritual superiority, jealousy and aversion to confrontation - are unfortunately still alive and well in the jewish people - and still the work on our plates.
This war was clearly going to happen, because it was clearly decreed on high – but the way we act to each other, adds or subtracts from the pain of the unfolding.