

We are deep inside the 49 day spiritual purification process that takes us from the second night of Passover to the bright lights of Shavuot. Take advantage of this powerful transformative energy and further detach from the places (slave consciousness) you might still be stuck.  

Notice places coming into conflict, feelings  of displacement, and general lack of certainty. Remember, we are in the feeling of wandering in the desert.

The Torah Omens invite us to process this energy through a contemplation of perfection (in God’s eyes) via the requirements for the life the Kohanim (those designated for official spiritual service through Aaron’s surviving sons’ bloodline). How do the physical and behavioral restrictions placed on the nation’s priests, the perfection required for physical offerings, the needs of each of the holiday cycle , and punishment for cursing in speech relate specifically to you?

Take time this weekend to consider the way physical and moral standards of beauty and perfection have informed your own spiritual journey and notice the feelings those expectations invoke.

This week’s energy intensifies on Wednesday and Thursday by expanding our meditation on perfection and beauty to include thoughts about The State of Israel, as a national identity in addition to a spiritual state. Prepare yourself for a mix of trauma, pride and lots of other emotions to run through your nervous system.


Imagine the family of ‘Kohanim’ the descendants of  Elazar and Itamar, Aarons two surviving sons, designated to serve the Source Energy for all time. Consider what it is like to be born into this bloodline. Feel the weight of additional physical and moral standards that apply to you and your children, (some practiced until this day).

What does it mean to be born into a family designated exclusively for spiritual service?

The entire existence of this family was to serve God and be a representative of holiness. They must maintain physical, and moral excellence at all times. They celebrate when God celebrates. They eat when God eats. They live entirely on the faith of the people. And if they make a mistake or get carried away, they die like your uncles, Nadav and Avihu.

Feel into the pressures, gifts and implications of that family as if it were your own.

Then, when you have secured the feeling deep in yourself, apply the lesson the Kohanim to yourself. That family was singled out to exist as a meta-example within a nation of light carriers, people designated through their own bloodline to live and an enduring example of the consciousness of Oneness in the world.

What does it mean to be born into a family designated exclusively for spiritual service?

What does it mean to want to join that type of family?

And what does it mean to live on a spiritually designated land?


On the Mountain


Holy People