See. Re’eh


According to the Torah Omens this is an excellent time to nurture your inner savior.

What are the ways you protect and care for your soul? How is that care received?

This is a favorable time to cultivate your inner Moses and strengthen your connection with the 'higher self’ that guides you. Pay special attention to the inner voice that protects your soul from incurring any unnecessary damage in this lifetime and beyond. 

Where do you look for guidance?

The Torah project is meant to help build and secure an intimate relationship with the infinite essence of oneness. This relational approach paradoxically comes with strong boundaries around spiritual exploration and practices. After all who doesn’t like exclusivity? Do you think God is any different?

Take time this weekend to take your commitment one step deeper.


The Torah, through its own mythology, represents the spiritual teaching of Moses, a man selected by the Source Energy of the Universe, and the people he was tasked to liberate and enlighten, to digest, communicate and deliver spiritual law.

He delivers a set of spiritual laws designed to prevent practitioners of prescribed Oneness from diluting their spiritual energy, wasting time, or spiritually polluting the collective by taking on religious practices that aren't known to their soul. (The term “yadah” meaning to know signals a type of soul knowing that is only possible in knowing things that are inherent to it.) Perhaps the Torah, through Moses, is offering the original Savior complex; the desire to save someone before the soul damage occurs.

In his final transmissions, continued this week with Re'eh (translated as to see), Moses continues to outline the paradox of spiritual knowledge.  "See...I set before you blessing and curse."  It seems that once there is explicit awareness of spiritual law, it paradoxically brings with it  the curse of (knowing) consequences. 

The consciousness of Oneness is inherently intolerant of multiplicity within divinity, and Moses aims to protect that consciousness by preemptively addressing any issues, questions or inclinations that might arise through time.

Welcome to the practice of a life that is bigger than any one self.

Welcome children of Israel- to life in the land of Israel.

‘Israel,’ meant to be understood as One spiritual body with many voices, bodies and parts ( like the infinite stars make up the single night sky or endless grains of sand by the ocean edge) as well as a physical place on the planet called by the same name. This paradoxical essence is so complex it cannot tolerate any outside practices, and must keep it’s collective aligned in a spiritually consistent and unified way.

And so, as the children of Israel prepare to enter the land of Israel without an actual spiritual savior (moses) amongst them, each person must learn to internalize these practices for themselves- if they are to thrive.

The practices of prior inhabitants are to be eradicated. The names of cities are to be changed. All aspirational or practiced spiritual seekers drawn to know 'more' are warned explicitly, “ don't wonder what kind of spiritual practices came before you on this land. Stay focused. If someone has a 'vision' or a dream about following another way --don't follow them. If a town is practicing in a way foreign to moses' transmission - eradicate them all and never build on that land again - some energies cannot be cleared.

In order to prevent soul damage to 'Israel' -- both the place and the collective --Stay Focused. Regulate the way animals are offered and meat is eaten, what food is consumed in general, how slaves, or the poor are cared for, and the respect for laws of the land and it's bounty in a sacred way.

Oh yes, and celebrate the abstract unknowable, unrepresentable Source Energy 3 times a year, with joy.

Moses does his best to help Israelites internalize spiritual law and become their own saviors before soul damage occurs (perhaps igniting this complex in this people) - because 'Israel' is not a place or a single person - and the things done individually impact the whole. “love your neighbor as yourself,” save another, just as you want to be saved.

A complicated thing to practice seeing as no one amongst the Israelites is Moses, and not a single Israelite prayed to God to beg for their actual spiritual savior to come with them to the land.

Perhaps instead of focusing on saving others, Israelites should first consider the nature of the spiritual co-dependency on the Torah, above any single human.


It is a great time to take notice of the way the Savior Complex and spiritual co-dependency runs through your own thoughts and life.

Are you spiritually co-dependent on someone or something?

How trustworthy is the thing or person on whom you depend?

You also might want to check in on your savior complex? Do you spend time trying to actively prevent others from making mistakes that will damage their souls?

How did you appoint yourself to that task?

a note on soul damage

On the path to spiritual awakening some of us need to go to the darker realms in order to fulfill our soul’s journey. Those realms are often opened within toxic or abusive relationships, drugs or alcohol, or through misguided spiritual exploration. The risks of entering those realms are high, many get lost or stuck wasting precious time and energy on things that create more damage then help.

However despite that (or in spite of that) many souls, in the name of healing, must go there to 'pick up some lost part' and face the thing that calls to them.

In classic healing practice it is not the place of a guide to explicitly stop someone from touching those realms, however, for those that have passed through the test, and know of the endless pain that awaits there, it is hard to stand by and watch someone go to those depths.

Hence, the Moses/Savior complex.

While we are here to listen and help when we are asked to do so, only a master like Moses, who was walking in that level of alignment with Source Energy, can really be trusted to give unsolicited ‘advice’ .


Judges. Shoftim


Reward. Eikev