Sarah’s Life (energy)
This week's Torah energy honors the life force and power of the feminine archetype, Sarah, the foundational mother of the jewish people. Known for her irrepressible beauty, open mind, uncompromising boundaries, and an empathy so profound it took her life.
As we move through the second year of war, be sensitive to the feminine within yourself that, like Sarah, cannot bear even the thought of “child” sacrifice ( Yizchak was 37) or likely the way her descendants (are prepared to) offer their lives to save and protect us all.
Be gentle with part of Sarah’s love that has been awakened within you, a love so deep it touches the essence of your jewish soul.
But we aren’t on the level of Sarah… more like Abraham, we mourn, cry and then get up and do our best to continue with our life. We search out new feminine energy to soothe and bring the next generation of jewish life into the world. Even Abraham remarries, has a bunch of kids, and lives a quiet life until his death.
Life continues. That is our way and our legacy. But just for this one week, hold that part of your soul that flies out every time it hears the news of a loss or injury of our precious soldiers, and honor the power of Sarah’s love we are blessed to hold within.